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Charlie's POV - Two months prior

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't there!" I hear from behind me. I'm standing in my kitchen, with the boy I love; arguing. How did we get here?

"Nick I know you were," I insist. "Please," I choke out, "Don't lie,"

He lets out a sigh. "Okay," He says, running a hand through his dirty blonde hair. "I was there," He whispers, not meeting my eyes. "I know you'll never believe it but I have an explanation,"

I knew he'd been at the party, seen it with my own eyes, but him admitting it? It was all too much.

"Get out," I say hollowly.

"Char," He tries.

"I said get out," I press. He doesn't move, but he doesn't push me either. He just stares. The look in his eyes, piercing all the way through me. I fight the urge to chase after him. Finally, he turns, closing the door gently behind him. Turning from  him, I sink to floor, unleashing a stream of salty tears.

                                -The next day-
It was hard to avoid Nick a school, between Rugby and our shared classes, we ran into each other constantly. Each time yanked at my heart. I couldn't stay mad at this boy. Hell, I wasn't even mad at him. He had hurt me in the way I'd feared most, and I couldn't even hold it against him.

"Hi," He said, as I took my seat in maths class.

"Hi," I said in response, with less of a smile. After attendance our teacher began to pass back our latest tests. Naturally I had gotten another A, I'd studied my arse off for that score.

"Aw you did so good," Nick beams as he looks at my paper.

"Thanks," I say shortly, looking at my paper. I'm certain my brisk reply disappointed him. 

A few minutes later, we were separated into groups. The teacher had tried to be nice by placing me and Nick together; exactly what I hadn't wanted.

"So," He begins.

"I can just do both our work," I cut him off. "Don't worry about it,"

"Hey," He says gently, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to do that, I think we should work together," He sounds sincere, sweet even, and his smell- gods his smell. Why'd he have to be so hard to resist? No, I remind myself, he hurt you and lied about it.

Mustering as much malice as I can into my voice, I respond, "It's fine, I got it," I shrug him off. I hear him sigh but he doesn't stop me. Ugh, I wish he'd just get angry with me, yell, or something. But of course he wouldn't; he's perfect. My perfect cheater boyfriend. Maybe Ben was right, maybe no one could actually want to be with me. The thought made my palms sweat. I push it aside and get back to work.

                               -After school-

Headphones hugging my ears tightly, I practice my new piece aggressively, whacking the drums with all my might. Half-way through my set I hear a strange tapping. I take off my headphones, setting them down to listen. It was louder this time, startling me. The sound was coming from my window. Curiously, I walk over. Stepping up to the glass, I cringe as another object comes hurdling at it. I peer out the window to see a pair of bright brown eyes peering up at me from the top of a tree. Immediately I rush to open my window. Picking another pebble, he chucks it before I can stop him. I duck.

"Oops," I hear him chuckle.

"Are you crazy??" I say incredulously.

"Yeah, crazy for you," He says. The words fell loosely from his mouth, slurring together. He was drunk, throwing rocks at my window, in a tree. Crazy bastard.

"For goodness sakes just stay," Motioning for him to be still. "I'll be right down,"

Scurrying down the stairs, I slip on my trainers and rush out the door. With barely a look back, I'm suddenly beneath him , able to see just how high he truly was.

"Oi, how did you even get that high??" I ask in disbelief.

"Join me Char," He says lying back. "The view's beautiful!" He yells drunkenly. I'd never seen him like this. I hadn't thought he actually drank at Harry's parties. The thought of him with those eejits makes my heart ache.

"Nope," I shake my head. "We've got to get you down," I say looking around.

"Mmm," He hums almost sleepily. "Cuddles,"

I roll my eyes. "You can't be serious?" I say practically to myself. I sigh. Getting closer to the trunk, I examine the branches, thinking of just how he climbed up.

"C'mere," I hear him say drunkenly, gently reaching out his hand. For fear of him falling, I push it away.

"I got it," I try to say confidently. Truthfully, this would likely be the one and only time I ever climb a tree. I had no idea what I was doing, much less how to get down.

I plant my foot firmly between two thick branches.

"Nope," Nick mumbles, humorously.

"You know the commentary isn't helpful,"

"You look cute," He mumbles again. "That better commentary?" He asks with a smirk. I shake my head.

Trying again, I plant my foot on a different branch, hoisting myself up with both arms.

"There you go," Nick chuckles. I glare up at him, my face the color of a fire engine. "C'mon let me help," He says again. I shake my head. Reaching for another branch, my foot slips. Before I can even process it, a strong hand is clamped on my wrist, Nick, now inches apart from me. "I got you," He says clearly, as if all the alcohol had suddenly drained from his body. Because of me. "Step back up," He instructs, nodding to my feet. "Good, now give me both your hands,"

"What if I fall?" I ask nervously.

"Just trust me," He says with a smile, and gently as ever, he pulls me to safety.

AHHH by far my favorite chapter!!

Hope y'all enjoyed! Tune in for the next chapter soon. I love you all - Am

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