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Charlie's POV - Two Months Prior

Rolling over, I stretched out my arm, expecting it to fall on the back of a certain rugby-lad but when it flatly hit the bed I felt myself frown. Peering over the edge, I could see his dirty blonde hair peaking out from under the covers. It should've made me smile, should've made me happy, he was adorable. But I couldn't feel any of those things. I rolled back onto my back, hands clasped on my chest, detailing the events in my mind.

He'd stayed over for dinner, we'd played Mario kart, sat and looked at the stars, and fell asleep watching TV on my bed. But now there he was, on the floor. Because of me. This was all my fault, of course he hadn't wanted to sleep next to me, I had just offered it and he couldn't refuse. That girl. The thought creeps into my mind. That girl. What if all he could think about was that girl? Why he hadn't kissed me, why he'd been so quiet, it all made sense. Moisture accumulation in the duct of my eye and quickly blinked it away before it became a tear. What is wrong with me?

A rustle from behind me makes my body tense. It was nearly seven, surely he'd be waking up. Maybe he'd explain it, maybe this was all a big misunderstanding. Or maybe, no matter what he says, I think. You won't believe him.

"Ahhha," Nick yawned. I could hear the subtle clicks in his spine as she stretched, feel his eyes fall onto my back. "Hey," He says sleepily. I roll over.

"Hey," I say, trying to sound cheery.

"Sleep well?" He asks looking up at me. He's lying on his side, the blanket covering only his lower half.

"Um, yeah," I say truthfully. Ask, I tell myself. Just ask him. "Hey, so ugh, why'd you move last night? I uh would've pulled up a mattress had I known-" My sentence falls short. Every ounce of confidants I'd had before leaving my body.

"Just thought you'd be more comfortable this way," He says simply.

"Oh," I say a little disappointedly. "Okay,"

It'd been the answer I'd been looking for, so why didn't I believe him?


"Yes," I say trying to push the doubts from my mind.


Stretching out across from me I catch a glimpse of Nicks stomach as his shirt lifts up. Quickly, I refocus my attention on my Cheerios. "You okay?" He asks.

Unsure if he's speaking about my so obvious gay panic or how I've been acting in general, I give him a, "Not sure," I laugh.

"You worked up and you seemed a bit-" He pauses. "Off,"

I suck in a breath, trying to maintain my composure. How could I tell my boyfriend of almost a year, the Nick Nelson, that I knew he'd slept with someone else. Well- didn't know, but strongly suspected. I couldn't.

"Just weird dreams is all," I say scratching the back of my neck, head down.

"Dreams about me?" He smirks.

"Wh-what?" I ask confused before it catches up to me what he's insinuating. "No!" I try.

"You were! You totally were!" He laughs.

"Oh god," I say, burying my face in my hands, since it was mist definitely the color of a strawberry. "Oh just hurry up, we're going to be late,"

"Alright, alright," He says reaching over the table to ruffle my hair, before declaring, "Shotgun!"

"I can't even drive!" I laugh running out the door after him.


Approaching Truham, my heart began to race, as it had every day since I started going to this godawful school. Don't get me wrong Truham wasn't the problem, the student body however?

Tentatively I stepped onto the campus, nerves creeping up my spine. I fidgeted with my hands, and kept my head low, but I stopped as I felt Nicks eyes on me. He took my hand in his the other, tilting up my chin. The moment was brief and magical, until it wasn't. I caught Harry's stares as I turned to face forward. Feeling my chest constrict, and my pulse pick up, I dropped Nick's hand. "Sorry," I said weakly. His eyes didn't head their usually warning at the word. He hated when I apologized. Deep down I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, that we hadn't done anything wrong. Things have just been harder, ever since Nick came out, and now these rumors; it was all too much. "I-" I try, attempting to remedy the situation. "I'll see you after fourth," I say instead, watching as the corners of his smile drop just slightly.

"Okay," He says kindly. Walking away, I turn to wave, as Harry approaches him. He didn't even see my goodbye.

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