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Charlie's POV

"He snooped in my journal," The words fell out of my mouth with such disbelief that I was almost convinced they didn't happen. "It must've happened while he was over the other week, or maybe another time, just a few days ago?" The dates circle my mind till they fall into a heap on the floor, jumbled and unrememberable.

"Hey, hey," Elle says slowly, "You don't know that for certain,"

"Elle I do, I really think he did it,"

She sighs, "I'm really sorry," Scooting closer on the park bench she rubs my back gently. I curl into the embrace.

"I just, can't believe this, I feel like I don't even know him,"

"Well have you tried bringing it up? I mean I know the rumors have been hard on him too, maybe he had a good reason," She tries.

"Good reason? Are you serious right now? Those are my private journals,"

"I know but-"

"No, why is everyone taking his side??"

"Charlie, we're not we're just,"

"Just what??" I cry, eyes wide.

"Charlie, calm down,"

"No, no, don't tell me to keep it contained,"

"You're gonna work yourself up," I shake my head rigorously as tears stream down my face, she was right, I knew but it didn't help. The panic had already set in. "Charlie," She says, worriedly. "Charlie," She says again. I can't respond, can't muster a sound. I close my eyes and let it all wash over me, allowing it to happen.

She holds me steady as I hyperventilate.


2 hours later

"I'm not saying you have to give him another chance, but you guys are still dating right?"


"So, leave it at that, have a couple of talks, work some things out, but don't throw it all away,"

"I will,"





My phone buzzes in my back pocket, I pull it out and take a look. It's Charlie.


"We need to talk."

Last Call - A Heartstopper FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now