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The drive to Oberweis was nothing short of entertaining, I've never laughed harder in my life. The entirety of the trip was just Tao and Charlie bickering over mini-golf strategies, while Elle tried to get in between the two. Tara and Darcy completely ignored us up front, trying to drown out the chaos with Tao's throwback playlist.

He had the same rule about songs as he did movies, were forced to listen to his favorites. It's quite endearing to be honest, his persistence in sharing his most intimate of favorite things.

We're the people he trusts and he makes that clear, and now because of some rumor I almost lost that, with everyone. I sigh into my seat, closing my eyes, and allowing the road to rock me to sleep.

A knock on my window shakes me awake, "Huh?" I groan. Had I really been out that long? I think as Tao phone screen flashes in my face.

Apparently everyone was already on their second ice cream, if I'd been asleep any longer, everyone would be sick.

"Morning sleepyhead," Charlie's says, from across the parking lot. He's relaxed against a wall, arms crossed as he munches on a cup of double chocolate, my favorite, now his.

"Good morning," A say groggily.

"He's alive!" I hear Isaac say, from a table nearby.  He's on a bench next to Darcy sharing a sundae. Tara is inside the building and appears to be bonding with some of the staff, while Tao and Elle laugh in a corner.

"Want a bite?" Charlie asks, holding out his spoon.

"S-sure," I say, unintentionally stuttering. I was still waking up and struggling to process all of the things around me.

I think Charlie sensed it, as he said, "Wanna go somewhere more private?"

I nod. He hands me the ice cream, throwing a arm over my shoulder, and waving goodbye to everyone. He takes me to the other side of the building. It has an equal amount of benches with far fewer people.

Carefully he let me sit, positioning himself across from me. Charlie let out a loud sigh, taking my hands in his. "I know things haven't been perfect," He starts, but I cut him off, hands moving up to his neck, lips pressing deeply against his. I feel the shock in his face as we collide, but as quickly as it came it was gone, replaced by agreement. He kissed me back, arms roaming my back softly. I pulled away, catching my breath. I searched his eyes for regret, praying he felt as giddy as I did.

"Wow," He breathed, taken aback.

"Charlie," I start rather quickly, "I know you're saying things haven't been perfect, and I know, I went where I shouldn't have been, it was pointless, and reckless, and I'm sorry. I just want you to know," I position myself between his knees. "I would never, ever cheat on you, ever Charlie, I love you," I can see a tear well up in his eyes at this, and I engulf him with zero hesitation. "I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner,"

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