Chapter 2

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Katsuki effortlessly picks Denki up (bridal style as requested) his heart beats faster as he starts walking and he blames it on his lack of exercise.

Denki comfortably holds Katsuki, his arms carefully placed around Katsuki's neck, softly caressing his nape. Katsuki felt a little weird every time Denki's fingers brushed against his nape, but chose not to speak about it.

"Wow..  you're strong! And your muscles," Denki pauses, firmly gripping Katsuki's biceps, "They are marvellous... no wonder you could carry me so easily..."

Katsuki flushes red hearing Denki compliment him so easily, he's never been called like that. "Uhm.. thank you, Your Majesty."

"You're welcome! Oh! That's the flowerbed I was talking about. It has white roses in it." Denki exclaims, pointing to a flowerbed hardly a few feet away from them.

Katsuki walks over to the flowerbed and lets Denki climb down from his arms. Denki's eyes looked starry as he immediately clutched onto the nearest rose plant.

"Ack!" Denki clutches his finger in pain.

"Your Majesty! Are you alright?" Katsuki questions, immediately kneeling to examine Denki's finger.

Thorns from the rose plant had pricked Denki's finger and a few droplets of blood starts oozing out, making Katsuki feel more worried. 

"Your Majesty! Please be careful. Next time you want flowers, I'll pluck them for you, don't risk getting hurt like this please." Katsuki whispers, pressing against the wound to stop the bleeding.

"You will? Thank you... it's not a big deal by the way, please don't worry, I'm alright." Denki whispers back, giving a small smile.

Katsuki doesn't stop fretting about it though. He continuously asks if it hurts or if it stings. Denki has gotten used to getting hurt like this, he is pretty careless and injuries are bound to happen. Besides, the small cut didn't even hurt anymore. But.. Denki loves the attention. Katsuki looked adorable when he looks worried.

"Hold on, Your Majesty." Katsuki mumbles, lifting Denki's bridal style again. Denki squeaks at the sudden action and tightly holds onto Katsuki's neck.

"Hey- where are we going now?"

"The river, please wash your wound thoroughly," Katsuki replies, heading towards a river which flows behind the castle, only the royal family and the royal gardens could access it. As the river flows even further, the commoners are allowed to use it. Such differences felt disgusting to Denki, but he couldn't do anything about it. 

Katsuki walks to the river banks, softly letting Denki down. He pulls Denki towards the river and dips the younger's finger in the river. Katsuki had his arms wrapped around Denki's waist to hold him carefully. As they leaned forward into the water, Denki comfortably rested his back against Katsuki's chest. 

"O-oh! The water is cold.." Denki mumbles, shivering slightly. He reaches forward to dip his finger deeper but nearly loses his balance.

"Oh god, Your Majesty.. please be careful." Katsuki whisper-yells, changing his position to tenderly hold Denki, caging the younger from behind, tucking his chin over Denki's shoulder. 

Denki immediately melts into his embrace. It feels warm and comfortable, Denki loves being in his arms. He instinctively snuggles closer.

Katsuki thoroughly washes the wound, dabbing the finger on his clothes, the navy blue colour turning even darker. 

While Katsuki focused on his finger, Denki looks up to study Katsuki's face in the fading sunlight. A sudden breeze softly blows Katsuki's hair making Denki feel the sudden urge to thread his fingers through it.

And he does. He lifts his other hand (the un-injured one) to touch Katsuki's hair and ruffle them. Katsuki stares wide-eyed when the prince happily threads his fingers into Katsuki's hair.

"Um... Your Majesty?" Katsuki questions with an awkward cough, clearing his throat.

"Wow.. your hair is so soft! I thought it would feel rough since it's spiky but.. it feels like velvet! Do you use any imported products for your hair?" Denki questions, combing through Katsuki's hair with ease.

"Not really... I don't really give much attention to my hair... it's just naturally been like that."

Denki nods absent-mindedly his hands still in Katsuki's hair, massaging the scalp.

Both Denki and Katsuki were standing in an awkward position. Denki stood on his tip-toes trying to reach Katsuki's hair, while Katsuki bent his neck, like a respectful bow to give the younger boy easy access.

"Can we go back to the flowerbed right now? I still want to pluck flowers..." Denki mumbles, his hot breath fanning against Katsuki.

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Katsuki replies in a hushed voice, a little worried if his heartbeat could be heard outside. 

Katsuki yet again carries Denki back to the flowerbed, but this time, he doesn't let Denki pluck flowers on his own. Instead, he does it, Denki sits down on the floor this time, his dress sprawled beautifully.

The gardeners perfectly maintained the ground here, hence it wasn't muddy. 

Katsuki sits on the edge of the flowerbed, plucking flowers that Denki points at. He carefully plucks them, just a few centimetres from the flower and far from the thorn.

Denki happily squeals every time a flower is passed to him by Katsuki, he tenderly bunches them up, holding them carefully.

"Will you get me some of the baby's breath, too?" Denki questions, sniffing the roses in his hands and letting out a sigh with a smile.

"Baby's breath? What's that?"

Denki looks at him with wide eyes before chuckling to himself. "Right, you see the small white flowers there? That one. Just don't pick too much, the same amount of roses is enough."

Katsuki nods, taking a look at the number of roses in Denki's hands before walking away. He starts picking the flowers, trying to be as careful as he can, still randomly checking on Denki, who seemed to be too preoccupied with his roses.

"Here you go, Your Majesty. I hope they are enough."

"Thank you, they are perfect." Denki smiles widely as he takes the flowers from Katsuki's hands.

Denki then starts working on something, his entire attention on the flowers. Katsuki curiously peeked in, making Denki look up at him and giggle.

"May I know what you're working on, Your Majesty?" Katsuki questions, sitting down next to Denki.

"It's a flower crown!"

"A flower crown...? Was that your schedule today?"

"Yes of course. What else did you think I wanted flowers for?"

"Um... Nothing, actually." 

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