Chapter 4

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"Have a good night's sleep, your Majesty. I'll meet you by your chambers tomorrow." Katsuki bows with a little stiff posture as he walks away.

Denki doesn't say anything, he doesn't even acknowledge Katsuki's presence as he walks into his room, getting ready for bed.

He was never invited to the dining table anyway.

The queen always had dinner at the royal diner. She preferred breakfast at bed and lunch at the throne, which were the times Denki would have the dinning table to himself.

She had dinner at the dinning table though, so Denki avoids her by requesting dinner at bed, yet the maids tend to get a little too focused on the queen at times, making him go to bed with an empty stomach.

He never complained though. He thought he wasn't allowed to do so.

He is just a nobody afterall.

Fortunately, the current head maid who was also his personal assistant, brings in his dinner right before he was about to slip into the bed and call it a night.

"Ahh your Majesty.. here's your dinner, be a little cautious please, it's really hot." The green-head whispers, softly placing the plate.

"Thank you Midoriya. I thought you guys were busy with the queen." Denki mumbles, gently picking on his food, waiting for it to cool down.

"We were, you know how she is, always pointing out flaws, but it's okay. Also, your Majesty, I promised you I wouldn't be like that woman before me.

"She purposefully didn't bring you dinner because she was an egoistic idiot. I'm not like that, I'll make sure you eat everyday, okay?" Midoriya says confidently with a wide smile.

Denki softly smiles back, nodding his head. He doesn't have much of an appetite, but he didn't want Midoriya's efforts to go in vain.

He picks on his food the entire time as Midoriya cleans his room. He was picking on a suit for Denki as the blond eyes his closet.

Completely filled with suits he hates.

"Would you like this suit tomorrow, your Majesty?" Midoriya questions, picking a blue suit. The outfit screams royalty and was highly uncomfortable.

"Why? Do we have anywhere to be?" Denki questions, still chewing on his food.

"Oh, you don't remember? The royal family from Cillarenth Kingdom are coming to meet you and the queen."

"Why? Are we having any sort of a dealing with them?"

"God, your Majesty, what happened to you? You're Highness is planning on your marriage. The princess of their kingdom has been interested in you for a while."

"Is this a marriage dealing? This is like what- the 13th one? Mother never gets tired, does she?" Denki sighs, pushing away his empty plate.

The queen has been trying to get Denki married for a while now. They've had a lot of kingdoms interested in him, yet either the queen herself doesn't like them, or Denki somehow manages to make the princess think he's stupid.

He's too carefree to be considered a crown Prince and that's not something anybody would expect.

He's had a lot of people run away from him because of his 'girl-ish' ways of entertainment.

He loved flower-crowns, but he shouldn't. He loved the colours paste yellow and pastel pink, but he wasn't supposed to. He loved playing around and cooking, but that isn't how a prince acts.

Yet, he knows why the queen has been postponing his marriage. 

Denki's father passed away during a major war just 3 months after his birth, since then, the queen has been ruling the entire kingdom. She's been criticised, oppressed and humiliated for being the first female ruler, yet, she knew her worth. 

The people soon learnt her strength and gave up. Besides, she had a nice administration.

It's been 20 years now and people have started questioning her- why the crowns prince was yet to take the throne.

Denki was supposed to have been given the throne 2 years ago, yet he hasn't. (and he was happy he wasn't cause he didn't know anything about ruling)

The queen started making excuses since then. After he turns 19? After his first hunting? After his archery classes gets over?

He had given answers to all those excuses, so the most recent excuse was, "He isn't married yet, he'll be given the throne once he gets married."

It's been a year since the queen said that. 13 different alliances, yet nobody was selected. Denki knew why.

The queen was greedy.

"Guess the queen just wants the best for you. I really hope you become the king soon," Midoriya whisper as he picks the suit to iron it before tomorrow's event.

"I'm not a fan of the queen's administration. She's just... too traditional." Midoriya sighs, looking down at the suit with a sad smile.

Denki understands him, the queen really was a bit too traditional and believed in traditional lifestyle, but.. he isn't the one who could change that.

He doesn't want to be the one who could change that. 

Denki is snapped out of his trance when Izuku places his now nearly ironed suit right next to him, on the closet door.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, I had no right. I hope you didn't take it too seriously." Midoriya apologises with a soft bow.

"No no no, don't worry, I don't really mind you talking about your views on the administration. You have every right to talk about that." Denki confirms as he walks away, ready to slip into his bed with a full tummy.

"Thank you, your Majesty." Midoriya smiles, not even sure about what he was thanking for.

Denki chuckles seeing Izuku in a daze as he picks the dirty dishes and momentarily walking outside the room to give them to the other maids.

"So.. Midoriya.. do you have any more views on the ruling? Any theories? Because I think you might be really interesting to talk too."

This wasn't the first time Denki had talked to a helper in the kingdom, but he felt very comfortable with Izuku. The green-head was a kind soul and Denki loved spending time with him.

"Of course! Do you know that-" and the night passes just like that.

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