Chapter 9

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When Denki let Katsuki wake him up, he didn't expect it to be so early. So early to the point the sun wasn't even out yet.

"If only you didn't have such a handsome face, I would've broken it on the first time you woke me up." Denki grumbles, mostly to himself.

But Katsuki wouldn't be surprised hearing it either. When he tried to wake up Denki about 10 minutes ago, he was awarded with a dagger against his neck.

"Bakugo! What in the world are you doing here at this time of the hour?" Denki screeches, his dagger still tightly pressed against Katsuki's neck.

"Your Highness..." Katsuki cautiously says, softly pulling himself from the dagger. But Denki follows every movement of his, his dagger following his neck.

"Your Highness, I'm here to wake you up for the training." Katsuki finishes softly, he holds Denki's wrist and pulls the dagger down. "I'm not here to hurt you, I promise."

"The sun isn't even out yet! You want to practice at midnight?" Denki screeches, still not believing him.

"I mean, it'll rise while we're practicing? And you love the sunrise so you can watch it once we finish our training and then come back for your regular activities." Katsuki simply shrugs, making Denki sigh.

"I want to punch your perfectly sculpted face repeatedly, but I think it'll be a sin to the Greek gods, so you're being let off this once." Denki grumbles, clearly still half-asleep.

Katsuki stumbles over his words for a while, his face turning bright red. "Your- Your Highness, what do you mean?" Katsuki stutters, trying to pull himself together.

"What? Am I not allowed to express my extreme hatred towards you?" Denki angrily mumbles, clearly unaware of its impact on Katsuki and probably even of his choice of words.

Katsuki simply shakes his head, closing his eyes tightly in embarrassment. "No, Your Highness. You can do anything as you wish, but please get out of your bed. I want to reach the castle grounds before sunrise."

So that's how the incident of waking up the prince-who-values-his-sleep went. However, Denki continued mumbling curses as they walked through the corridor.

But at this point, Katsuki isn't sure if they were curses, or weirdly worded compliments because Katsuki was sure his 'amazingly charming facial features' seemed to pop in quite often.

"I shouldn't have let a bodyguard with the most perfect physique wake me up, two days straight. Especially for a training class, now that I think about it." Denki grumbles as soon as the reach outside.

Denki tumbles a little as soon as the start walking on the ground, getting angry at the tiniest twigs for trying to trip him. Katsuki finds it adorable when Denki stops to pick up a twig and break it in half with a pout.

The sky had the faintest tinge of orange peaking from the east. Katsuki still referred it to as 'early morning' but if you ask Denki he'll probably say 'the time the ghosts walk around' which basically means midnight in his language.

Both of them start practicing near the fountain in the middle of the gardens. The fountain had a huge yet sophisticated design.

"It's a marble called Carrara. My great-great-great-grandfather imported it while building the castle. A lot of interiors are also made of them-" Denki continues, spilling every random fact he had ever learnt.

"Did you know that apples, peaches and raspberries are a part of the rose family? Bizzare. Like think about it, you can grow roses in this garden. But apples? Couldn't even think about them." Denki continues, complete unaware of Katsuki stealthing up behind him.

Just as Katsuki swings his (fake) sword, Denki quickly turns around with wide eyes and dodges it.

"Reflexes, perfect. Let's check your strength next." Katsuki states, reaching out for another wooden sword.

"Why did you do that?" Denki screams at Katsuki, catching him by surprise.

"What do you mean, Your Highness? That was a part of your training. To check how good your reflexes are, even when you're distracted."

"Do you now think you could've easily injured my in that situation?"

"Your Highness, it's a wooden sword. It's specifically made for practice, besides, I would never hurt you on purpose. I don't understand why you would think that." Katsuki offers, standing firmly, waiting for Denki's reply.

"No- it's just- fine. Nevermind. Let's just continue." Denki mumbles, mostly to himself.  Katsuki stands confused for a moment before passing Denki his fake sword.

Katsuki simply teaches him basic sword moves and mostly the things to avoid while facing someone with a sword.

Over time, Denki seemed to forget his anger and focus more on the topic at hand. However, Katsuki couldn't help but painfully recognise that Denki didn't seem normal either.

Unlike the usually happy and cheerful person, Denki seemed more reserved and silent that day. He even responded with just nods or shaking of his head.

Katsuki wouldn't say it out loud, but Denki was actually quite good at fighting. Better than Katsuki expected him to be, especially after the he's seen the amount of exposure Denki gets because of the Queen's strict rules.

Honestly, Katsuki wouldn't be surprised if he was to find Denki one day, reciting the entire rules and regulations book. Especially after seeing how much it's imposed.

And the most ridiculous one should be Rule #36. It said that regardless of any situation, the workers' and royal family's dresses should be neatly washed and ironed.

If the Queen was to find a single stain on any of their clothes, she has the authority to terminate them.

If such small things matter so much to the Queen, imagine how much has been imposed on Denki?

"Uhm, Bakugo? Maybe we should skip the sunrise. I would rather go back to my room and get some extra sleep, you know?" Denki sheepishly mumbles.

Katsuki feels a little taken aback at first, but he quickly recovers. Who doesn't prioritise their sleep over watching the sunrise? Most people preferred sleeping better. 

Apparently Denki wouldn't. And he doesn't realise that until later that day.

Author's note:
I apologise for the delay T_T I'm soooo sorry!! Incase you haven't seen my announcement about my update schedules, I've had a huge change in my routine recently and I'm yet to adapt to it, hence the delay.

But the story will continue, so no worries! Please continue supporting me, your votes and comments make my day.

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