Chapter 12

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Author's note:
This story will contain some internalized homophobia, please be proceed with caution. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, please stop reading.

Denki tags along with the Queen the entire day, leaving almost no time for his lunch.

"Your Highness, please have this in between your meetings." Katsuki sneaks in a small lunch box that he had requested Midoriya to prepare.

"Oh- Bakugo? But why?" Denki fumbles with his words, hesitantly grabbing the lunch box.

"It's just a bento. Come on, I know you'll be hungry. Maybe the queen can go without lunch for a day, but you don't have to." Katsuki grumbles, handing him his chopsticks and walking away.

It wasn't simple meetings with the queen, rather they were discussing regarding national security, so Katsuki wasn't allowed inside.

He found it rather ironic that he was supposed to be a bodyguard who basically deals with the prince's security.

And the worst part was, Todoroki of all people was in the meeting, and surprisingly even his father was included.

"Why do you like him, Deku?" Katsuki asks as soon as he's inside the kitchen, climbing over the counter.

"Who? Todoroki?"

"Who else?" Katsuki grumbles, picking on some already cut vegetables. Midoriya immediately swats his hand away, but then answers.

"Because he is amazing. He's a good friend."

"And I'm not?" Katsuki finds himself asking.

"Kacchan. You know it's not like that." Midoriya immediately says, but Katsuki once again cuts off.

"It's- Deku it's almost like... You guys like each other." Katsuki whispers almost as if he's terrified of someone eavesdropping.

"We do like each other, Kacchan." Midoriya sighs, his eyes turning sharp and somewhat defensive.

"You know what I mean! It's like you guys are... dating. And Deku, you know how it is. It's disgusting. And how can two boys even be together? That's against our nature." Katsuki whispers, keeping his voice down as much as he can.

Katsuki could never imagine two boys together. How filthy is that? If needed for love or pleasure, they could very well receive it from the opposite gender.

And the such thoughts always gave him lewd associations, like the prostitution house where women were asked to play with each other in a way of entertaining their guests.

Katsuki hated the idea.

"Kacchan. Listen, I don't know where you got this idea from-" Midoriya starts, but Katsuki almost immediately cuts him off.

"It's so weird Deku! You guys hug and- and it's not like how friends would. You are so close all the time! And I don't know it's just so weird for boys to be close to each other."

He remembers seeing the changes in Midoriya and Todoroki's relationship. A couple years after their friendship, both of them would hide behind the bushes and whisper.

At first Katsuki wasn't too bothered, just found it unappealing. But they started holding hands, hanging out by the river together. Soon, they slept over at each other's without their parents knowing.

And all these had always made Katsuki mad.

"Kacchan, you're simply making assumptions. We used to be very close too, remember?"

"It was when we were 3, Deku!" Katsuki immediately interjects.

Everytime this argument starts, Midoriya immediately shits him up, refusing to answer his 'meaningless questions' as he terms them.

Katsuki had always been persistent, but Midoriya can be cunning when needed.

"You're making no sense, Kacchan!" Izuku screams, silencing all the maids in the room.

"Izuku?" Todoroki peeps in, walking inside the kitchen while glaring at Katsuki.

"Oh, Shoto-kun... We were simply talking, don't mind us." Midoriya immediately smiles, but Katsuki feels uneasy.

Katsuki stomps away when Todoroki casually raises his hand to brush Izuku's hair away from his face.

They were too romantic.

Too intimate.

Katsuki didn't like it. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to scream that it was wrong, unethical, that it was a sin. He wanted to tell the queen about it.

But he couldn't. No matter how much he hated Todoroki, he couldn't bring it in himself to break them apart.

He didn't know if it was for the sake of Izuku. He had seen Midoriya grow up with him, having seen all the struggles he has gone through, Katsuki could never bring it upon himself to break them apart.

He remembers when his dad barred him from seeing Midoriya, explaining how filthy and dirty he was, because of his caste.

But Katsuki never understood it. Midoriya was always clean. He had never seen any dirty streaks or stained dresses on him. Ever. Then what made him dirty?

That's when he realised his father's mindset was dirty.

But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't clean the filth off his mind. When he first visited Midoriya's house, his father's voice rang in his ears. Everytime he talked to Midoriya, his father's scoldings echoed.

But after seeing him with a man, Katsuki was starting to think maybe he was someone to be avoided. 

"Oh Bakugo, there you are! Thank you for the bento, it was really delicious." Denki starts, almost not noticing Katsuki's face. "Uh- are you alright?"

Katsuki blinks for a couple seconds, trying to catch up with the situation. "Oh right, Your Highness. I'm uh- yeah, I'm good." Katsuki mumbles off, looking down at his boots.

"Are you sure? Do you want to visit the infirmary?" Denki asks, grabbing Katsuki's arm and pulling him towards the hospital wing.

Seeing Denki's hand on his arm, Katsuki immediately snatches it away.

"I'm fine. Let's continue with your daily activities, Your Highness." Katsuki curtly answers, rubbing off Denki's essense from his arm.

"Bakugo, you're acting weird. I'm not filthy, you don't have to rub off the dirt." Denki sharply answers, turning away from Katsuki at an instant.

Katsuki's eyes widen at Denki's assumption. "Your- Your Highness, I absolutely don't mean that. Please- you have to listen to me." Katsuki walks behind Denki, trying to explain.

"Save your words, Bakugo. You might very well need them one day." Katsuki doesn't understand the implication, but walks behind Denki silently.

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