Chapter 8

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Within half an hour, a servant rushes to Denki's room, hastily explaining Katsuki how the queen demanded to see Denki right away.

"Your- Your Highness... Wake up, please." Katsuki tries to wake him up without having to touch him.

He clears his throat a couple times and calls out for him. And then Katsuki decides to raise his voice, not caring if the prince woke with a startle.

"Hey!" Katsuki had to squeak when the prince wakes up with a knife, pressing it against Katsuki's neck in a reflex.

Denki breathes out hard, sighing when he realises it was just Katsuki. "Don't wake me up. It startles me and I've almost killed someone before because they woke me."

Katsuki nods slowly. But before Denki could pull the knife away, Katsuki slowly touches the blade and twists it. "Make sure that the angle is a bit inclined, and not like how vegetables are cut. It gives you a momentum to slice easier."

Denki stands dumbfounded but nods nevertheless. "Thanks." He mumbles, pocketing the knife again.

Just as Katsuki thinks to reply, his eyes go wide. "Your Highness! Your Majesty- she requested you at her throne!" Katsuki says in a panicked tone.

"Why didn't you say that at the start, Bakugo!" Denki yells, already taking off towards the door.

Katsuki's mind takes a bit to register, and he's also out in a flash, watching the prince run down the corridors.

Katsuki vaguely remembers him running on the first day they met, and getting scolded by the queen. But he knows that it's kinda an emergency now.

Just as Katsuki reached the door and turns, Denki is already at the end of the corridor, leaving towards the throne.

It takes Katsuki a couple minutes to catch up with Denki, but he makes it happen. Denki has a surprising speed and stamina.

Just as they reach the doors of the throne room, they could hear the queen scolding someone. Whom Katsuki assumes to be the maid who came in search of Denki.

Denki opens the door swiftly, slightly hesitating when the entire room goes silent. The queen turns around with a wicked smile.

"Oh, there you are." She starts with a fake sweetness, but it completely turns upside down when she screams "You arrogant little brat."

"Your Majesty." Denki bows, completely ignoring it. He knows what consequences he'll have to meet to not address her by her title.

Katsuki's eyes widen when he realises that he didn't bow either. So he quickly kneels down, a warrior's bow.

And just like that, the meeting continues. Turns out, the queen just wanted him to attend it since the court's advisors questioned her why the future king wasn't present.

And the queen did not take it well.

Katsuki stays on guard the entire time, standing right behind Denki's chair, which was pretty uncomfortable for him, apparently.

Denki wasn't still the entire time, and was squirming around to find some sort of comfort.

The queen fortunately doesn't notice him behaving 'not-prince like'. Denki ends up shoving some of his dress on the chair before sitting on top of the quilt.

"Your Majesty, how about it's time you step down? It's a suggestion presented only after thorough discussion with all the ministers." The court's eldest advisor starts.

"Yes, Your Majesty. You're getting old, nothing new there. But the king's coronation is already due. And the other kingdoms are not happy about it." Another minister interjects, with a smile that everyone knew was upto no good.

"Of course other kingdoms are not happy, the first few years of rule is the most hardest for the kingdom. They are simply waiting to attack." The queen seethes, her voice already making Denki tremble.

"That may not necessarily be true, Your Majesty. How about, we ask the prince to give us his thoughts?" All heads turn to Denki, who stays frozen for a while.

"Uh- I don't think it's a subject that needs to be urged. Let's take some time, think of improving our defence before taking such a huge leap. Especially when the coronation means, you know, inviting other kingdoms as well.

"We just had an attack today morning. And they were being able to slip through without anyone noticing. Besides, they must have assumed us to be weak if the royal family had been the ones to infiltrate."

But before Denki could even finish, a minister claps for him. "Do you look at him? He already speaks like a king! He knows what's the priority and is willing to sacrifice his own coronation for it!"

Denki knows he messed up.

The queen would absolutely not be happy to hear that, besides he stuttered! No king should stutter! It's a complete violation of the first ever rule his mother imposed.

Denki could see the queen's nails tap against the throne from the side of his eye. And he could only pray to God he comes out alive.

The meeting gets over and the queen invites Denki to her chambers for a 'private discussion' before dinner. Katsuki waits outside her chambers and he tries to eavesdrop, all he hears is silence.

Katsuki's dad does drop in after sometime. So Katsuki ends up not getting bored as he expected himself to.

And soon, Denki comes out first. The queen calls Katsuki's father in, so Katsuki stays conflicted for a second before he asks, "Are you okay?"

Denki simply turns around to glare at him and huffs. "As okay as I ever can be, Bakugo. Thank you for your concern."

Denki storms away, leaving Katsuki to catch up with him with all his might. And as always, Denki is faster than Katsuki could imagine him to be.

"Around what time should I be here tomorrow, Your Highness?" Katsuki huffs right as they reach Denki's room.

"The usual. We don't have any schedule tomorrow."

"About that, I was wondering if- only if you want to! But I could give you some self-defense classes? I mean, I missed your fight today morning and I don't know how good you are or if you know self-defence-"

Denki cuts off Katsuki's ramble with a smile, "I don't. I would love to have a class with you, Mr Bodyguard."

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