Chapter 9

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Dalmion's Dream
After I blacked out from my girlfriend almost killing me I woke up in a meadow surrounded by flowers. I still had the mark in my chest from the glass, and the mark on my neck from Selena. "When I think about it ive been through a lot these last couple of days I said to myself". I got up out of the flowers. "Where am I, what is this place". I started walking around then I saw two human sized figures. One was blue and was red, it was me and Selena in our wolf and cheetah form. We were holding hands I ran over to them and yelled HEY!! They acted like they couldn't see or hear me. "Wtf is this",said a little annoyed. They walked straight through me wtf imma ghost. This is kind of weird. I followed them to a house that was very similar to mines. She whispered something in his ear then he looked at her confused,like he didn't wanna do what ever it was. Then he touched his arm blades and her claws turned to lava claws a d they started to fight. Blow for blow strike for strike then spikes came out of his tail and shot imto her arm. She fell down he ran picked her up and brought her into the house. I ran over there and tried to run in the house but the door slamed Into my face a d I woke up. "WTF! Wat was that ," I said. Selena was sleep on my chest. She started to purr my dick got so hard right then. "All shit", I said to myself. I tried to move and she started to purr even louder, my dick was hard as a rock. I kissed her in the forehead as she finally woke up looking up at me with a twinkle in her beautiful luscious eyes. "Good morning babe", I said. "Good morning", she said. "What do you wanna do today". Hmmmm..... Lets go to the park. Okay I put on some pants and a shirt, grabbed my car keys, and headed out the door. When we got there we were walking around holding hands walking a d talking about the different things she can do with her powers. She has lava claws, fire blasts, healing powers and a whole lot of other stuff. We were walking and to our surprise we saw Kendale and Lilly there. "Hey guys". I said to them. OMG!! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!! Lilly said as she ran and jumped on us causing us to fall. "DOG PILE!!!!", yelled Kendale as he ran over to us. No! No! No! No! OOOFF!! We stood up laughing and dusting ourselves off. "Selena looked towards the swings."Hey you guys wanna have a swing race",she said. "Yeah",we all said at the same time. We ran over and got on. "Whoever goes the highest wins". READY SET GO!!! We all took off but me and Kendale were to heavy. I felt my chain about to break so I did a back flip off the swing, Kendale's swing just kept going around and around the pole as he jumped off all dizzy looking, Lilly and Selens were neck and neck. We started cheering for our girlfriend's but then something drastic happened. Selena burned to her seat and fell to the ground. I helped her, "up babe are you ok". "I don't know", she said as she started to shake then she changed into her wolf form and ran Into the woods leaving a trail of fire behind her. SELENA!! I yelled as we all ran into after her.

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