Chapter 3

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Sage gets a notification around 5 clock in the afternoons the next day, that the stuff for America's room has been delivered and is in the lobby of the tower.

They run to Thor's room and try's to drag him to the lobby to help carry the stuff up. He obviously doesn't budge and when he does take a step Sage almost falls on their face.

"Come on Thor I need help with some boxes."

"Sure thing my lady!"

They get down to the lobby and Thor picks up almost all of the packages leaving two small boxes for Sage to carry. They put the things in the Sage's room before Thor goes looking for his pop-tarts Clint most likely stole or hid agian.

Sage knocks on the America's door and it swings open showing America with her special jean jacket awkwardly half on.

"Your things are here!" Sage announces excitedly. "They're in my room!"

Without a word America gets her jacket on properly and rushes by Sage and runs into their room. "Come on we gotta un-package everything!" She says excitedly.

The two first find the boxes with the vines, lights, and tapestry knowing those things should go up first and to decorate around them.

They quickly put those up and Sage goes and grabs the next couple of boxes.

"It's too quiet we need some type of music." America complains when Sage comes back.

"I got some good dancing music." They grab their phone and connect it to a speaker before putting on the sound soundtrack for the first Mamma Mia movie. "The music is a little old but it's so amazing."

America quickly starts to enjoy it dancing around hanging more things and organizing everything. Sage joins in with the dancing not being able to stop smiling.

Sage starts to sing along with one of her favourite songs from the soundtrack "well, I can dance with you, honey, if you think its funny! Does you mother know that you're out?!" they dance around using a hair brush as a microphone. America laughs at the scene and starts dancing around with America some more.

Next 8 songs play and its finally a slower song, America and Sage are completely out of breath and fall onto the bed. It creaks and they burst into another laughing fit. Once they calm down they just lay there in silence. The soundtracks ends and the only thing they can hear is their heavy breaths and rattling in the vents; which is most likely Clint or Kate trying to find his stash of chocolates.

They both roll over to their sides facing each other smiling. Only inches away America has an crazy thought and reaches out for Sage, lightly resting her hand on their cheek by their ear and kisses Sage on the lips.

America quickly pulls away to see Sage's shocked face, wide eyes, mouth agap. America quickly stands up from the bed and stares at Sage with a look of fear.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know what I was doing!" America blurts out. Sage stands up and tries to comfort her.

"It's okay.." Sage tries to talk but America keeps rambling.

"I shouldn't have done that. I messed everything up and I'm going to be kicked out of the tower by your dad!"


"I can't be kicked out like that. It has to be for a cool reason or something. Stephan will kill me if Tony doesn't first." Sage continues "I don't even know if your dating anyone! I'm so sorry!!"

"AMERICA!" Sage tries to call to her louder but she's practically having a panic attack. America paces around pacing back and forth across the room. Sage doesn't know what to do.

Sage let's out a nervous breath and steps in front of America's pacing stopping her. Sage quickly grabs her face with both hands and kisses her again hoping that calms her down somehow.

America quickly melts into the kiss not knowing where to put her hands so they just drop to her side. They pull away and stare at each other.

Sage starts to chuckle at America's content little face, lightly smiling back. "Better now?"

"Much." America whispers "I really liked that."

Sage snicker at the cheesy comment. They kiss america once more quickly, their hands still on her face, "me too."

"Wanna just watch a movie and finish decorating later?" America asks. "I'd love to watch Mamma Mia."

"Sure." Sage says softly.

They go to the theatre room choosing the closest couch and sit down together with a blanket. FRIDAY puts the movie on and dims the lights them self.

Sage quietly sings along to the musical, and America joins in here and there with the parts she remembers from the songs earlier.

The two teens sit close together, holding hands underneath the blanket just enjoying each other's company.

America starts to drift off, jerking her head up ever so often to stay awake. She ended off leaning her head on Sage's shoulder resting her eyes as Dona and Sam get married in the movie.

Sage lightly plays with her hair, stroking her head. The movie ends and they turn the tv off trying not to wake America. They don't want to get up from the comfortable position with America on them. Their arm has the pins and needles feeling but it's so worth it.

They quickly drift off to sleep thinking about how to ask America on a real date and how to bring this up with their parents as well as the other avengers.

I'm so sorry this chapter is so so late. I got so caught up with everything I completely forgot to write. I hope this isn't going too fast (just say if it is). :)

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