Chapter 12

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Later a portal opens up, and Stephan and Wong walk through into the common room where the teen couple is hanging out.

"Wong!!" Sage says getting up from the couch and jumping into his arms for a big bear hug.

"Hey Kiddo! How are you?" He asks, hugging them tightly, lifting them off the ground.

"I'm great! How's it going with you?"

"Good like always." Wong answers, pulling away.

"So the witch visited you, huh?" Wong asked America as they walk to the meeting room. Everyone was going to meet there to discuss the situation.

"Yeah, she didn't want to hurt me though, I want to make that clear. I don't think she's a threat." America explains.

"She did cause a lot of destruction, we still have to treat this as a threat but we'll keep an open mind." Offers Stephan.

Everyone takes their seat at the big table and Tony starts, "As we know The scarlet witch - also known as Wanda Maximoff - paid a visit to the tower last night. America, can you please explain what happened again?" Tony asks, turning to her.

America explains the story, not missing a beat and everyone decides it's best to examine the tower now when the tracks are still fresh, then continue the search at a later date.

Wong and Stephan cast a couple tracking spells as well as a variety of revealing spells, to find anything that they could use to find Wanda.They find hints of her magic being there and they get an idea of where she could have gone.


Tony sent everyone to get dressed up a little for a little party to lighten the mood of the weird day. He didn't invite anyone outside the avengers other than Maria Hill, Stephan and Wong, and Bucky and Sam.

The party time is set for 7:00, everyone gets ready in semi formal clothing and head to the common room. As America and Sage get closer 80's hits flood their ears. Tony was always a sucker for some good 80's rock hits.

Everyone is already drinking and having a good time together, Loki and Thor are drinking asgardian mead, Natasha and Clint are daring Tony to drink their weird concoctions, Stephan is trying to wrangle in Wong, and Sam is interrogating Steve for stories of Bucky in the 40's.

Sage and America go to Tony first to try and stop Clint and Nats bullying, "Nat I think that's enough, he's already out of it and the party started half an hour ago." says Sage.

"But look at him, he'll drink anything we give him!" slurs Natasha pointing to Tony, she's also been drinking and it's affecting her.

Tony is sitting - almost falling off - a stool laughing to himself, he's wearing a simple suit and his authentic glasses. Sage has seen him like this multiple times before, usually when Pepper is away or a big party is happening.

They did promise to watch over their dad for Pepper, he can get out of hand sometimes. "Mer', we have to get Tony into bed, I don't want him to get even more wasted."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea, we don't need him doing something he'll regret in the morning."

They get Clint and Natasha occupied on the other side of the room with a little help from Maria. Before, Clint was able to get a quick video of Tony falling off the stool. America and Sage grab each of Tony's arms and pull him to the elevator up to his room. They put him to bed and quietly leave.

"Friday, please keep an eye on my Dad, notify me if he gets up and causes any trouble." Sage says.

"Of course Miss, I don't think he'll be awake for a while though." Friday answers.

Sage and America head back to the party and join in on the fun. A little while later Thor brings out twister - one of his favorite games - and convinces almost everyone to play.

Bruce is the one handling the spinner and Thor, America, Sage, and Wong play the first round. Somehow Wong ends up winning and Thor is a sore-loser over it, huffing and puffing in the corner mumbling to himself.

Loki appears behind Sage and whispers in her ear, "I feel sort of bad for my Brother. He loves this twisting game but always loses. If only he wasn't such a big oaf." as soon as he appears he's gone. Sage knows Loki genuinely cares for Thor, Loki is always in denial about it and makes sure to make rude comments when he can.

America convinced tipsy Wong to portal to the pizza hut nearby and buy her a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. As the girl enjoys her food Wong is shaking his head, "I've never met someone who loves pizza as much as you." he jokes.

"What can I say," America says, swallowing a mouthful, "There wasn't much for a picky eater in multiple multiverses, I had to find something, that just happened to be pizza." She explains. "I can't remember one multiverse that didn't have pizza around the corner."

As the night goes on people once again start to head to bed, Clint camps out in the vents watching Natasha and Maria drunkenly flirt on the balcony. Steve and his 'minions' - Bucky and Sam - spy through the large window, trying to eavesdrop.

As tired as he is, Bruce sticks around to clean things up just so they don't wake up to a big mess in the morning. Sage makes a mental note to do something to thank him, soon.

America and Sage crash in separate rooms before they know it, America drifts off into a food coma and Sage is just plainly exhausted from the night. They are both excited for tomorrow's activities. 


Happy holidays everyone, I know this is technically two days late but whatever. Think of this as a Christmas gift I guess (if you believe in that), I worked hard to make sure to get this out as soon as possible. :)))

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