Chapter 1

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"FRIDAY, tell everyone to come to the conference room." Tony said as he sat down on his chair at the head of the table.

Everyone files into the room and take their seat. Sage, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts' daughter sits down beside him. They are wearing a green oversized sweater and some ripped jeans. "Why'd you call us all here?" Sage asks.

Everyones attention turns to Tony as he starts to speak "Stephan Strange, you know the wizard, he's bringing some kid to join the avengers. She's 16 and supposedly has the power to teleport to different universes. At least that's what the wizard said."

"Finally someone my age. I'm sick of all these old people." Sage jokes earning a playful glare from Tony. "When will they get here?"

"Right now." Stephan says as a portal opens up revealing him and the new avenger. They step through and Stephan introduces the kid. "Everyone, this is America Chavez."

America gives a little wave and smiles at Sage.

"Welcome." Thor says happily.

"I'm Tony, this is Sage, Bruce, Steve, Natasha, Thor and Bucky. Sam, Loki, Pepper and Clint aren't here at the moment." Tony says pointing to everyone.

"Hi! Nice to meet you all!" America says excitedly. America takes a seat next to Sage and Stephan sits on the other end of the table. Everyone starts a conversation about America's powers and how she would be an asset to the team.

Half an hour passes and Sage is practically falling asleep. "Hey Sage right? Wanna get out of here and find something else to do?" America leans over and whispers.

"Sure, let me take care of this." America whispers back. "Hey America!" Sage says loudly "would you like a tour of the tower?"

"Sure!" America says playing along. They quickly stand up and jog out of the room and burst into laughter.

"God it was so boring in there!" Sage says between laughs. "I can't believe you were able to stand a half an hour of that shit."

"You looked like you were going to fall asleep at one point." America points out.

They run down the hall towards the elevator to get to the main floor where the living quarters are. "So this is my room here." Sage says pointing to a purple door.

They go in and lay on the bed and start talking about their past.

"So, what's your story?"

"When I was young, I got scared by a bug and I accidentally opened a portal. My moms got sucked in a bit before me and we ended up in different universes. I was around 6 then." America says laying on her back, limbs stretched out.

"Jeez I'm sorry, that's traumatic." Sage says.

"Ya, but me and Stephan are working together to find my moms." America says. Her and Stephan are close. Through the adventure they had with running from Wanda and travelling through universes.

"Wait, you can call him "Stephan"?" Sage gasps. "I'm stuck calling him "Strange" all formal and stupid."

"Have you ever tried just calling him by his name?"

"Trust me I have, he interrupted me and shut it down real fast." Sage jokes.

The day goes on, America and Sage talk about everything under the sun, books, movies, life, video games you name it. 6 hours of talking and playing video games before getting called down to the meeting room again by FRIDAY.

They walk to the meeting room and go inside to find everyone in their same seats. "What's up dad?" Sage asks taking their seat.

"I just wanted to tell you two that America is part of this team officially if you want." Tony says.

"I totally want to join, a hundred percent." America says happily.

"There's an empty room across the hall from Sage's room. There's already a bed in there so you can stay the night today and Stephan can bring your clothes over tomorrow. I'll give you my credit card so you and Sage can go shopping and get decor." Tony offers.

"Ya that's awesome thank you so much Mr. Stark!" America says excitedly.

The two teens run off down the hall to America's new room to plan everything. The night goes on and very little planning actually happens. Sage tells America about the semi normal routine of Steve training early in the mornings and Clint hiding in the vents.

Sage explains little but important details of the other avengers like how Clint has hearing aids and part of him is made out of plastic from fighting Ultron. They explain Thor's obsession for poptarts and has a special hammer. Details on Bucky and Natasha's past were also throw around just for a little heads up on how they act sometimes.

By the time Sage finishes explaining the "basics" of the tower and the people living in it, it was almost 2 in the morning. Tony had said "goodnight" a while back even though he didn't actually go to sleep. He worked in the lab missing his life partner, Pepper Potts.

Sage showed America her room and her private bathroom and quickly left so they both could actually get some sleep for the day of shopping and decorating ahead.

I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new fan fiction. I feel like it's a little rushed and messy but I needed it to get it done. I wanted to post something already.

I'll try and post around a chapter every 2 days but I am very busy with life and mental health these days.

If there are mistakes feel free to point them out I don't mind just don't be a jerk about it.

-Liz xx

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