vlive ⁰³

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Ryu laid on her bed holding Yeosang's hand as he slept, with her free hand she gently caressed his cheek watching him relax at her touch in his sleep. The soft music in the background made her feel a sense of peace. She smiled to herself seeing him smile in his sleep, she slightly moved closer to him. She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, she sat up on her bed still holding on to Yeosang's hand as she reached for her phone.

" Hello? Atiny! How are you? It's been awhile!"

She smiled to herself watching as comments poured in the chat. She looked over at Yeosang still asleep and peaceful.

Ryuu why can't we see your face today :((

" No face cam today Atiny, I just don't feel like putting on makeup or setting up my phone."

Ahhh okay!
Ryu I love you!
Ryu please marry me!

" Aye I see a lot of people saying they love me, thank you Atiny."

Ryuu are you dating?
Ryu why are you so quiet?
We can barely hear you!

" You can barely hear me? Ah that's because.... because San! Yeah San is in my room... he's in my room... building...a lego set? Yeah he's building a lego set in my room."

In your room?
Why do I feel like ur lying Ryu
That's a little suspicious of you Ryu
San in Ryu's room building a lego set? Seems legit.

" Yeah he just needed some...some peace from...Yunho."

Babe ur lying
Someone get Yuta, his sister is lying
Ryu! Stop lying!

" Atiny stop calling me a lier! You're not even in my room!"

I don't have to be there to sense that you're lying!
Ryu is lier!

" If you don't stop it Atiny you're not getting selca's for a whole year. I'll keep my promise."

Everyone shut up!
You didn't see anything Ryu
Ryu aegyo please!
Ryu any new tv shows you like?

" Any new tv shows? Umm oh! I've been watching Stranger Things lately! It's good, Atiny you should watch it if you haven't yet!"

The taste is beautiful
Of course our Ryu has great taste in shows!
Guys... what's stranger things?

She laughed quietly seeing the comments about the poor Atiny pour in. She felt the bed shift hearing the sound of her bed make a sound. She looked to see Yeosang's back facing her, she sighed placing the phone down, grabbing a blanket covering him with it before picking up her phone again.

" Ryu can you speak French? No, I'm not going to speak French for you Atiny. I don't feel like it."

Where is Adzuki?
Ryu say hi to Mexico!
World tour when?
I love you!
Marry me Ryu!

" Marry me Ryu? What? Oh my, Atiny this is so sudden! I need time to think about this."

Ryu post an Adzuki pic!
How's San?
How much money have you spent?!
Solo albums when?
Ryu drop the comeback date, don't be shy

" Ryu solo albums when? Never! You're never going to get one from me!"

Slayyyy girlie

" I just don't want one, I feel like I'm happier being in a group."

She felt a hand on her thigh, looking down she saw a barely awake Yeosang looking for her hand. His eyes slowly open seeing her staring at him with her phone in her hand.

" Are you calling someone?" He asked sleepily

She looked back at her phone then back at him, she placed the phone far from her bed laying next to him.

" I'm doing a voice live right now." She whispered as soft as she possibly could, he looked up at her placing his hand on her cheek.
" Can you... turn it-"
" Don't worry, I was about to." She replied kiss the palm of his hand, he nodded as she reached for her phone.

Ryuuuuu where did you go? :((
We can't hear you
Omg it's probably San
Y'all hear that whispering?
I can only hear the music in the background...
It's her boyfriend

" Atiny I'm afraid I have to go, I have to take my son on a walk. I'll see you later! Bye bye!"

Byeee Ryuu
Take care Ryuuu!
Have fun with the boyfriend!
Rest babe

Turning off the live she laid back down facing him as he reached for her hand.
" How long was I sleeping for?" He asked

" About an hour and half." She said

" Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked

" You look so peaceful while sleeping, plus I wanted you to sleep well." She said

The two didn't say anything to each other, they just stared into each other's eyes. She kept looking at his eyes then back at his lips wanting to kiss him. Fighting every feeling in her body not to move closer to him and placing a kiss on his lips.

" I really want to kiss you right now." He said out of nowhere

It was like he read her mind, she laughed quietly smirking at him wanting to take the focus off her pink cheeks.

" Then why don't you?" She teased

Her eyes widened as he shifted himself on top of her, she slightly sat up on her bed only to leave small gap between them. She looked up at him jerking her face up to be closer to his leaving the smallest gap between them. She could feel one of his hands going to her waist while the other one supported him.
" So? Aren't you going to kiss me?" She asked smirking again, he smirked back placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

" How do you want me to kiss you?" He asked

Taken aback she turned away to hide her flustered face, her hands gripping her bedsheets feeling his warm breath against her neck.
" Like this?" He asked placing a delicate kiss on her neck, she closed her eyes feeling his hand on her waist move to her hip.
" Or should I kiss your lips?" He asked
She looked back at him seeing his eyes filled with love, she moved her hand to his neck slowly moving his head to hers. His nose touched hers as she slowly placed her lips against his.

Her back met her bed, both of his hands gripping on the bedsheets. Her hands went from his neck down to his shoulders, she grasped at his shirt  feeling him deepening the kiss. Both lost in the moment they couldn't hear the sound of someone walking towards her door. The sound of the music playing in the background was making the mood perfect, it felt like a dream even if they knew it wasn't a dream.

He pulled away for a second to admire her eyes before helping her sit up, she looked at him placing her hand against his cheek. Their lips both swollen, breathing heavily, without thinking he placed his lips against hers again this time letting her sit on his lap. Her legs wrapping around his waist, her arms around his neck and his arm holding her close to his body. It was a sweet moment, a moment she wished wouldn't end. He didn't want to let her go, let her out of his grasp, he wanted to stay in this moment forever.
Not hearing the door she let her hands run through his soft hair.

The moment ended when a horrified scream echoed throughout the dorm, he turned to face her door when he saw  Wooyoung standing in the doorway. One second she was in his lap the next she was pushed off and on to the floor. She pushed herself up from the floor giving Yeosang a death stare before realizing who it was.


She jumped on Wooyoung's back slapping her hand against his mouth as Yeosang quickly locked the door behind them.
She jumped off his back pushing him on her bed, Yeosang stood next to her nervously looking around him as she stood her arms folded in front of her chest.


" Yah Jung Wooyoung! You tell anyone your dead meat!" She yelled

" I'm dead meat?! You two are the ones MAKING OUT! YOU'RE MAKING OUT WITH MY BEST FRIEND!"


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