Thank you for becoming my family

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" HongJoong tell Ryuu to get off that computer!" Seonghwa yelled
" If she wants to learn how to produce a song she needs to get used to it." HongJoong stated
" HongJoong..." Seonghwa said in a stern voice
" Fine I'll tell her to get off... it's not like she listens to me!" He said walking to Ryuu's room, Seonghwa sighed softly and looked down at his feet seeing Adzuki.
" What?! Do you need something?" He asked walking away from Adzuki

Ryuu wasn't on her computer anymore she was staring outside her window her right hand playing with a pencil facing away from anyone who entered her room.

" Ryuu get off that- oh your not on your laptop anymore, okay got it! Wait why are you staring at the window?" He asked
" Did you know that today's is Jihyo's 15 years with JYP?" She asked
" No...and it's creepy that you know." HongJoong said
" Tomorrow should've been 7 years with JYP entertainment." She said having a sarcastic smile on her face
" Oh...well that's sad good to hear?" HongJoong said unsure of what to say
" But it isn't... because I found somewhere I loved and got to debut with the people I love so much." She said choking on her own breath feeling tears
" Wait really?" He asked sitting beside her on her bed
" Oh crazy sometimes unstable but funny family." She said smiling letting a tear run down her face
" Your crying! Why are you crying?" He asked
" Because I know if I didn't get scouted by KQ entertainment I wouldn't be here....with my members." She said facing HongJoong holding his hand

San was walking by and heard their conversation, leaning against her door he listened to Ryuu at how happy she was being in a group with them, even if might not show it to them. Now everyone was listening in to their conversation feeling so loved by their grouchy but fluffy Ryuu.
" What are you-"
" Shhh HongJoong is saying something." San cut Wooyoung off
" Ryuu it you know we love you a lot... probably Wooyoung and Yeosang love you more but you know we love you." He said smiling
" Yeah...I know that's why I'm so happy to be in a group with them." She said letting a few tears out
" Your welcome..." He said
" Thank you for being my family..." She said
" YOUR WELCOME RYUU!" San yelled busting the door down
" MY DOOR!" She yelled
" Oh we have to fix that." HongJoong said looking at the broken door
" How strong are you?!"
" That's not the point! We love you too Ryuu!" San said hugging Ryuu followed up by Seonghwa and HongJoong as a huge group hug.
" Okay okay I regret showing any EMOTIONS!" She yelled as Yunho hugged her tightly

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