Are you alright?

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Running late at night she left sick inside, taking a deep breath she looked at her watch " 10:15, I should be back in the dorms around an hour. " She said to herself slowly walking back to the bus station she leaned against a tree gasping for air.
" Comeback... I'm not ready for this." She mumbled quietly walking down the steps of station, it was noticeble she was an idol. If it wasn't for the bright hair or just the amount of piercings she had then everyone who was looking at her was talking about her.
" I really don't understand anything anymore." She said wipping the bit of sweat off her forehead, entering the bus she felt a sudden urge of throwing up. It wasn't fairly normal for this to happen but not like this.

Exiting the bus she slowly made her way back to the dorms, it was very unusual for her to walk back home. Reaching for the door handle she couldn't open the door. Sliding down against the door and leaning her head against the door frame she began to clutch her stomach in pain.
" Why is Adzuki barking at the door?" Seonghwa asked
" Who knows? Is Ryuu back though?" HongJoong asked 
" No... ADZUKI!" Seonghwa yelled opening the door, there Ryuu just let her body fall on the floor.
" RYUU! WHAT ARE YOU- are you dead?" Seonghwa asked looking down at her
" I want to die..." She mumbled as Seonghwa dragged her into the dorm, Adzuki followed her and Seonghwa.
" Ryuu can you take a shower?" He asked
" Okayyyyyyyyyyy fine mommmmmm." She said walking up to the bathroom, taking a shower she got out and changed into her sleep wear. Picking up Adzuki she walked downstairs sitting down on the couch gently petting Adzuki, Jongho saw Ryuu and sat down next to her.
" You look dead." He said
" I am dead... inside." She said
" Ryuu..." Seonghwa said
" Oppa....I gladly appreciate it if you don't Ryuu me." She mumbled
" Did something happen while you were out?" Seonghwa asked
" No, I'm not feeling well." She whispered
" Are you hungry?" He asked
" No..."
" Ryuu you left at 8 pm it's 11:30." He responded
" So? I'm not sorry." She said getting up
" At least eat something!" He yelled
" Fine later..." She said turning on the tv

Jongho had when up to his room falling asleep, Ryuu was alone with Adzuki on her lap petting him.
" Dam it now I'm hungry." She said placing Adzuki down she walked to the kitchen and looked through the fridge, opening the freezer she saw her tube of ice cream waiting for her.
" Oh I'm so glad I still have this on my side." She said smiling grabbing a spoonful of her ice cream she ate it happily, turning around seeing a sleepy Yeosang walking over to her.
" What are you doing awake?" She asked
" Water...are you eating ice cream?" He asked
" N-no! I'm eating yogurt." She lied
" I've never seen purple yogurt before." He said
" Yeah you have..." She said trying to walk away from him he wrapped his arms around her waist stopping her from running away.

" Yeosangie let me go~" She whined
" Give me some, then I'll let you go." He whispered
" Then let me get another spoon." She said reaching for drawer, taking out another spoon and fed it to Yeosang who smiled.
" Thank you, I'm going to stay with you now " He said
" Fine , you'll hug me the whole time." She said walking back to the couch, cuddling she kept feeding him as they watched TV.
Walking up in pain in her stomach she removed Yeosang's arms and ran to the bathroom. Not caring if he woke up.
" Ack- oh my goodness...why I'm I in so much pain..." She asked herself, the feeling was getting worse now she had the urge to barf. Covering her mouth with her hand she knew that whatever was happening wasn't normal.
" Okaasan!" She yelled
" Ryuu! Are you alright in there?!" Wooyoung yelled
" T-take me to the doctor." She said opening the door from the bathroom
" Why are you okay?" He asked
" stomach is hurting." She groaned
" Oh okay yeah, let get my keys and get changed." He said

Walking to her room she grabbed a hoodie and jeans, noticing her stomach was bloated that wasn't good at all.
" Holy fuck...." She whispered
" Ryuu let's go!"
" Coming!" She yelled slowly following Seonghwa to his car, sitting down she closed her eyes in pain, she had a really low pain tolerance and Seonghwa knew it.
" We're almost there Sapphire." He said
" Your acting as if I'm going to die." She said
" Well it's 6 am and I'm scared that you might be sick." He said
" Just let me live and enjoy the pain that I'm in." She said sarcastically
" I'm taking you to the hospital, the doctors offices isn't open at this time so we have to go to the hospital." He said

Arriving at the hospital she was getting a bunch of tests and stools, Seonghwa was worrying deeply.
" Mr Park, the doctor will like to see you." The doctor said
Ryuu was sitting down on the doctors table kicking her feet back and forth gently. She looked like a little kid, seeing Seonghwa come in with the nurse.
" Is everything okay?" He asked
" Yes after some test results she is a severe lactose intolerant." She said smiling
" Is that all?" He asked
" Yes, right now you should really stay away from any dairy products. Anything that has milk in it don't eat." She said
" Can we go now?" Ryuu asked
" Ryuu..." He said
" No problem, you may leave now. It's okay, we'll call you when your medican is done." She said smiling
" Okay! Thank you! " Ryuu said hopping off the table following Seonghwa, the whole ride back home Ryuu had a sad pouty face.
" Are you sad?" He asked
" Very, now I can't have anything." She said
" When we get back to the dorms I'll find you boba without cow milk will that make you feel better?" He asked
" Nothing can make me feel better. My life is over!" She said dramatically
" Hush now child, everything isn't over you yet." He said laughing a little

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