I miss home

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* she speaks Japanese

Fixing Yeosang's jacket that she stole from his closet she turned on the live waving at Atinys.
" Hi Atiny! How are you today?"
Ryuu your so beautiful! You look tired! Love you!
" Thank you! I love you too! I am tired because I've been promoting and filming a drama."
Have your members been super supportive of your drama?
" Yes! When I get home late Yeosang and Seonghwa are always waiting for me and asking me how was it. Also my manager brings Adzuki to set for me because I can't leave him."
Ryuu and Minho look so comfortable around each other! How long have you know Minho?
" Ahh Minho-ssi I'm kidding he lets me call him Minho-ssi, I'm not really comfortable with calling older boys...no males Oppa. Unless if you're Seonghwa Oppa. When I met Minho he told me I could call him whatever I wanted."
Did you steal Yeosang's clothes?
" Yes I did, I miss him a lot and the others but Yeosang is always looking out for me and when I'm filming I can't see him as much as I used too. Then we were also filming for THANXX I got really tired when we were filming the part with the big giant light up skull I didn't feel so good and after we were done Yeosang was asking if I was okay and if I needed water anything like that."
Do you miss Japan Ryuu?
" I miss home, I miss Osaka and my Oneesan my friends even my parents."
Jinyeol and Seonghwa.
" Jinyeol-Chan and Seonghwa-san? What about them? HongJoong-san told us not to mess with Jinyeol-Chan because Minsoo-san will end them. Even though Wooyoung-kun dosen't listen."
Thoughts on Lexa and Jeno?
" Adorable! 10/10 deserve a happy ending, not all the hate they both get. I know they do get a lot of support but when you're in a public relationship of course the negitvey is going to appear."
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone before Ryuu?
" Once a long time ago! He made me feel really special and just was really nice person expect some people thought he was rude because of his normal resting face but he wasn't like that all."
Ryuu do you like money?
" I mean I have some money but I don't like it! When I have money I usually waste it on Animal crossing."
Eun-young and Jinyoung?
" So I'm just ranking couples? Okay Eun-young sunbae and Jinyoung sunbae. I'm actually close to Jinyoung sunbae since I trained in JYP for over 5 years so of course I know them and you know ehm yes... anyways Jinyoung sunbae sorry and Eun-young are cute, but I kinda like Lexa and Jeno more...he's going to text me and go Yah! Nakamoto Ryuu what are you saying me and Eun-young are such a great couple!"
Oh my God! That's so accurate!🤣 Her phone is lighting up! Her face omg this is hilarious!
" He's texting me, Nakamoto Ryuu I will end you! Eun-young is my whole world and so are my kids! I would appreciate it if you called us an ideal couple. Thank you and have a good day. Hahahaha he's jealous I called Lexa and Jeno adorable, he has a family which super adorable and I love Jang-Mi to death but Jinyoung-san made fun of me a lot! "
Ryuu you look tired! Maybe you should go to sleep!
" Yeah Atiny I should get going! Love you I had fun doing this live and I hope we meet again and I'll see you all later byeee!"

Turning off the Vlive she put away the phone and plopped down on her bed, she played with the turtleneck she was wearing she heard a nock on her door.
" It's open!" She yelled
" Ryuu~ are you okay?"
" Yeosangie your hear!"
" Can I have my clothes back?"
" Nope because it comfortable. And I'm happy wearing your clothes."
" Your cute." He said
" Yeah I know I get told that a lot"
" Want me to say it again?" He asked pining her against her pillows, her eyes widened she gulped and looked away from him.
" Are you flustered?" He asked
" N-no if I was flustered I wouldn't be answering you." She said crossing her arms as they both looked at each other in the eye. He smiled looking down at her.
" Why are your cheeks pink  Ryuu?" He asked
" Why aren't yours either?" She asked
" Because I'm not flustered!" He said
" Maybe you should be too." She said smirking, confused at her words she gently placed a kiss on the corner of his soft lips.
" Yah! Ryuu!" He yelled rolling on her bed away from her hiding his face with his hands as she giggled.
" Hmmm look at who's flustered now?" She asked smirking
" Still you!" He said kissing her cheek

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