Who are you?

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Moving her jet black hair to the side texting on her phone with her older brother, walking up to the gate. Nocking on the door seeing Johnny open the door for her.
" Ryuu are you here for Yuta?" He asked
" Yeah is he ready?" She asked
" No do you want to wait inside for him?" He asked letting her in.
" Well I'm already inside so thank you for letting me inside." She said smiling
" No problem Ryuu, your always welcome here." Johnny said smiling brightly at Ryuu
" Thank you, I would love to say the same but  my members are mess." She said laughing a little, he smiled at her and looked her up and down.
" Are you checking me out?" She asked offended smiling at him
" N-no I just noticed you've been wearing a bunch of leather lately." He stuttered looking away from her
" I mean I'm not complaining, it's just you know my brother is here and you shouldn't make it so obvious." She said putting her hands behind her back leaning towards Johnny.
" Really is that so?" He asked smirking
" Hyung are you flirting with Yuta's sister?"

They both turned around and saw Mark walk over to them, Ryuu leaned against the the back of the couch.
" No, were just good friends." Johnny said winking at Ryuu walking away from her.
" Hey what's up?" Mark asked high-fiving her
" Nothing much, just waiting for YUTA!" She yelled
" I would wait with you but I have to go somewhere with Johnny." He said walking away from her, she nodded and signed getting out her phone texting San out of boredom. Zipping up her leather jacket she took out a lollipop and unwrapped it and put it in her mouth.
" Jeno wha- Well hello and who may you be?"
She turned around seeing a boy with blue hair looking over at Ryuu smirking at her.

" Who are you?" Ryuu asked walking over to the boy her heels hitting against the floor crossing her arms.
" That's what I'm asking about you." He responded with a cocky tone she scoffed and took out the lollipop.
" Tell me how old are you?" She asked looking at him up and down.
" 19 years old and you." He said
" 20, I guess I'm older than you." She said smirking
" Wow...I didn't think you were that young." He responded
" Ryuu and you?"
" Jaemin..." He said

Staring at each other for a long time without noticing Lexa, Jeno and Yuta watching them.
" Jaemin are you flirting with my sister?" Yuta asked walking over to Ryuu placing his arm around her neck
" YOUR SISTER?!" Jaemin and Jeno yelled
" Yes I'm Ryuu Nakamoto nice to meet you." She said bowing at the two shocked boys
" If anyone of you flirt with my sister I will not hesitate to end you." Yuta said
" Wow your actually being over protective of me." Ryuu said sarcastically
" Shut up let's get going." Yuta said gently pushing Ryuu out the door
" Don't fall for Jaemin or any of my members" He said
" I'm not planning on it, plus I don't feel like dating anyone." She said
" Good..."

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