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" What ever you do don't let Ryuu touch anything she can light on fire I don't want the dorm to be gone by the time I'm back!" Seonghwa said walking out the door
" She has a match in her hands dosen't she?" Yeosang asked
" Yeah she does." Yunho said looking over his shoulder watching Ryuu run up to her room with a lighter
" Aren't you going to try and stop her?" He asked
" Nah what's the worst that could happen." Yunho said

I ran over to the kitchen and grabbed a lighter walking up to my room lighting a candle letting the relaxing smell over come me.
" That's great..." I said grabbing a book from my book shelf walking over to my window opening it and sitting down on the ledge with her leg sticking out.
" I like it this peaceful." I said to myself flipping the pages of my book, it wasn't even an hour before hearing San yelling like a maniac.
" One day, JUST ONE DAY WERE YOU DON'T SCREAM YOUR LUNGS OUT! San please!" I yelled out my room
" Sorry you're highness!" He yelled
I rolled my eyes and went back to the window grabbing my book and went back to reading, seeing cars pass by and honk at each other brought memories of when I was living in the dorms with the other trainees.
" Ryuu you aren't setting anything on fire right?"
" No not today Yeosang." I said looking forward at him
" Good I was worried you were setting something on fire." He said walking over to me, he smiled and sat down on the small couch that was underneath my window.

" Do you always sit on this window?" He asked
" I don't know, I just like it here." I said putting my book down, I saw something fall out of it. I picked it up and stopped smiling.
" What is that?" He asked
" Umm nothing." I said throwing it underneath the couch.
" Are you sure? It must've been something if you threw it." He said
" Oh come on it's nothing! Now why are you are you doing here?" I said
" Making sure you aren't setting the dorm on fire." He said getting up walking twords the door.
" I promise I won't anyways there isn't anything I want to burn." I said smiling
" Okay, just call if you need anything." He said walking out, I sighed softly and walked to the door locking it. I grabbed my trash can and the letter from underneath the couch.
" I'm sorry I can't keep any promises when it comes to you." I said opening the letter

Dear Ryuu this is Sana! I hope  this letter finds you in good health, we hope you are happy with your life, I'm so sorry you couldn't debut with us and don't beat yourself up about it! I hope you and Somi are talking with each other... even if we all did part ways. I just want to let you know we all love you and miss you! Take care our Angel!

" To be or not to be, dear JYP that was years ago. Please I hope this letter finds you in good health what dose he mean?! " I said
" Aishh I don't understand him." I said
Walking over to the candle I picked up one of the matches that were inside the box and lit it on fire.
" I'm healthy JYP don't worry." I said walking over to the trashcan, I sat on my bed and put the flame to the letter. I knew that letter wasn't from Sana. JYP wrote it. After I terminated my contract I was out the door, I had no idea how he got my address but I knew when I read the letter it didn't sound like Sana.
" Tsk tsk tsk You should have tried harder." I said letting the flame go against the letter burning up and watching the ashes fall into the trashcan. I let go of the letter and smirked as my trashcan was on fire with the disgusting letter.

" Oh this is satisfying." I said
I walked to my desk and grabbed the cup of water and poured it on the fire taking it out. I grabbed my trashcan and went downstairs without making a sound. I went to the trashcan dumping the ashes of the letter.
Walking up to my room closing the door.
" I'm sorry Yeosang, I just couldn't help myself." I said

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