Chapter 5

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"Ugh, Ellie, I'm starving."

"Go eat then," I said, trying to figure out the math problem in front of me.

"Do you wanna eat?"

"I'm not going to the cafeteria. Are you crazy?"

She sighed heavily.

I put my pencil down and looked at her. "Fine. Let me finish this up and we'll get lunch."

She smiled big and sat back. "These tests suck so bad."

"We're almost done though."

"Are we leaving tonight?"

"In the morning?" I suggested.

She nodded. "That's a good idea. Did you tell your parents?"

"Not yet. I honestly don't even know what to say." I shrugged.

"That's not a bad idea. My mom would totally freak out if she knew I was planning on leaving for an extended period of time."

"You didn't tell them yet?"

"Kind of I did. I left my dad a voicemail," she laughed. "He's intense."

I nodded my head. Gamma Arthur was a very intense man who didn't have much of a sense of humor. Luckily for Ashley she took more after her mother. A great sense of humor and fiercely loyal.

"I'll tell them tonight. What if you meet your mate?" I asked.

"That would be awesome because he obviously doesn't live in this pack."

"Neither does mine."

"You've only been eighteen for a day. You don't know that yet."

"You've only been 18 for 6 months." I rolled my eyes.

"And I've had six months of roaming the streets of the pack searching and searching and searching." She fained fainting and lay on the floor.

I laughed again. "Doesn't matter either way. I need to leave."

"Right. While you finish that up, I'm going to the bathroom."

I nodded as she hopped up and left the room. I tried to focus on the numbers that were blurring on the page. My head felt heavy and blackness was creeping in around the edges.

"Oh what..." I muttered.

I sat there, breathing heavily as the room went pitch black. A bright light began emanating from where the wall should have been.

"Hello?" I called.

A woman's form appeared in the brilliant light.


"Mother," she corrected.

"Right. Sorry. Mother." I sat back, not as freaked out as I was the first time. "Why are you here?"

"I have felt something off since yesterday."

"Okay? What is it?"

"I don't know, but the magic that is involved is greater than even my own. The coming problems are able to mask themselves even from me."

I sat up more and leaned forward. "Who has the power to do something like that?"

"The only ones who have the ability to stop Gods and Goddesses from seeing them are other Gods and Goddesses."

"Oh. Wow. Okay. So...who do you think?"

"I really do not know, child."

"I'm going to the royal city. They have the most comprehensive library of all the packs. I'm going to try and find out information."

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