Chapter 17

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"Yeah, manners are lacking. But why is he acting like that?"

"Could there be attacks?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe. That or they've heard about Moon Mist, Misty Pines, and Silver Peak."

"And act like that?"

"Yeah, he was a bit extreme. Let's settle in and get some sleep. We can find the Alpha tomorrow and get out of here. Hopefully, Winter Lake will feel safer."

We settled into our room and quickly fell asleep. 

As the morning sun rose in the sky, the light streamed in through the window directly into my face. I rolled over trying to ignore it, but I was awake.

I lay in the bed for a few minutes, wanting nothing more than to be in my own bed. I heard Ashley talking in the bed next to mine.

"It's too early," I groaned.

"It's Alastair."

"This early?"

"Yeah, we need to leave."

"Leave? Where?"

"Deer Creek. He said that those things were spotted coming toward here."

"We haven't even seen the Alpha yet," I mumbled.

She whispered into the phone for a few minutes before hanging up. "He said to talk with Alpha Charles and then leave immediately and go to Winter Lake."

"This is getting old," I grumbled.

"It is. But I guess Winter Lake is actually securing their drainage system to stop those things from attacking people."

"Okay. Then let's get up and hurry to see the Alpha."

I pulled on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and pulled my hair into a messy bun. Ashley did the same. Normally when you meet with an Alpha you make sure you're more presentable than t-shirts and messy buns. It's usually a more formal occasion. 

We were beyond formal at this point. 

As we entered the lobby, it was empty. There wasn't anyone at the front desk and the doors were shut. 

"Hello?" I called out, but nobody answered.

"Do we search for someone or just go look around?"

I sighed heavily and rubbed my temples. "Let's just look around. This is ridiculous."

We left the hotel and started walking down the street. Small cottages and shops lined the streets. They were cute, but not nearly as extravagent as Silver Peak or even some of our own in Moon Mist.

Everything was also closed and nobody was outside.

"Is the entire town shut down?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

As we walked darkness crept into the edges of my vision. My head swam as I stopped. 

"What's wrong?" Ashely asked.

"I need to sit."

"Okay, let's find you a bench or something."

I shook my head. "Nope. Right here."

I dropped to my knees as the darkness took over. My eyes closed momentarily before I stood back up in the abyss. Artemis appeared in a sudden burst of light.


"Mother. What's going on?"

"Time is running out."

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