Chapter 6

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As I emerged from the woods behind our manor I shifted back into a human. My inner wolf still whimpered as the metallic smell seemed stuck in my nose.

"Dad!" I yelled running in through the patio door. "Dad?"

"In the office, honey."

"Hey, dad," I said breathlessly.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"I was running home and about a mile into the woods, there's this weird smell."

"What kind of smell? You'll have to get used to heightened senses," he said, not looking up from his work.

"Um, it was really metallicy and like old dirt."

"Metallic and old dirt?"

"Yeah. I'd never smelled anything like it before."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, it smelled like old meat. Like when a steak is left sitting on the counter too long."

He stood and hurried to the patio door. Kissing my forehead he ran from the room.


"Don't worry about it, honey. I'm just sending a patrol out to the woods. Stay home."

"Uh, okay."


"Where did your father go?" mom asked, exiting the kitchen.

"To find out the weird smell I smelled."

"Oh, okay. Is everything okay?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "I don't know. Maybe? He's sending patrol out to check the woods."

"Huh, that's strange. I'm sure he'll figure it out."

I kissed her cheek and went to my room.

Maybe I should tell them that I'm leaving.

I shook my head and tossed my backpack on my bed before digging through my closet for my suitcases.

"What do you take when you're leaving home for like a month?" I asked myself.

I looked around and realized that I relied on a lot of my stuff.

"I guess I'm packing as much as I can."

A knock on the door disturbed my rushed packing.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"It's mom."

I put my bags under my bed and unlocked my bedroom door. "What's up, mom?"

"Dinner is ready."

"Great. I'm starving."

"Alex is here..."

"Nevermind. I'm not hungry."

"Elanor, you can't avoid them forever."

"Sure I can. Watch me."

She sighed heavily. "You're going to have to come to terms with this."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think so."

"Well, come have dinner."

"Nope. I'm not hungry."

"Yes, you are."

"Nope. My appetite is suddenly gone."

"I'll have Henry put a plate in the fridge for you in case you get hungry later."


I closed and locked the door behind her, pulling my suitcases out again. My stomach growled at the thought of whatever Henry made. His food was always delicious.

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