Chapter 26

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I don't know when we fell asleep but it was the most restful sleep I'd ever had. The new bed was incredibly soft. 

I lay there, staring at Edmond as he snored softly. He looked so peaceful tucked under the massive comforter and in his flannel pajamas. I smiled lightly looking at my matching set.

Queen Amelia is really the sweetest.

Yawning, I climbed out of bed when the doors to our living space opened. I peered out the bedroom doors to see a young woman arranging food and coffee on the small dining table.

"Good morning, ma'am," she said, dipping into a curtsey.

"Good morning. What's this?"

"Breakfast, ma'am."

"Oh, that's nice. I'm not used to breakfast being brought to me."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah. Usually, I was up before everyone else and would just make breakfast for my family."

"Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking."

"Moon Mist. My father is Beta Kenrick."

"I'm from there!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yes! I moved here after finding my mate."

"That's great. Who's your mate?"

"He's a butler within the castle. I'm not sure if you've met him. Phil."

"Phil? He's great! He's been helping me and Ashley since we got here!"

A smile spread across her face. "Yeah? He is great!"

"You're not used to this kind of life are you?"

Her smile quickly faded. "You can tell?"

I laughed lightly and shook my head. "You're a lot more open than the others I've met."

"I am so sorry!"

"Please, don't be! It's refreshing. I love it. It's hard finding anyone around here who just talks."

Her smile returned as she held up the coffee pot. "Coffee?"

"Please. Do you have time to sit and have a cup?"

Her eyebrows arched and she stuttered. "I-I uh, I I allowed?"

"I am the princess or whatever now. So....I think?"

"Yes. I would love that. Nobody invites me to coffee!"

"Then sit. Talk! I don't think the prince is going to wake up anytime soon." I took a cup of coffee and sat down. "What is your name?"

"My name is Morgan."

I smiled and sipped at the hot beverage as we spent the morning talking about home and moving to the royal city. 

She was only slightly older than I was and finished school the year I started. Her family lived near the store they ran and were disappointed when it turned out her mate was just a butler. I thought it was awesome that Phil was her mate. They just went together. Her bubbly personality with his serious nature seemed to just work. She laughed as we joked around about things from Moon Mist and sighed heavily remembering our times running through the forests that bordered our home pack.

"Well good morning."

Morgan gasped and hurried to stand.

"Please, sit. I didn't mean to interrupt."

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