Chapter 8

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Our town of Moon Mist quickly vanished behind us. Trees and the random small cottage dotted the landscape as we came to the border of our territory and Misty Pines. I grabbed her phone and scrolled through the music trying to find something to listen to while we drove the three hours to the next town.

"Oh! Look!"

"What?" I asked looking up.

"That place looks like fun! Let's stop."

I looked up and saw a rather interesting place. There were tall tracks with cars on them. Water slides and swimming pools.

"What is that place?"

"I don't know. I've never been before. Let's go!"

"This is what happens when you never leave your territory," I grumbled. "Let's go!"

She pulled into the parking lot and we headed up to the gates.

"Hi! Welcome to Wolfy's World!"

"Hi. Uh, how long has this place been here?" I asked.

"Oh, we're actually fairly new. This is just our 5th season! Have you ever been here before?"

We both shook our heads.

"New guests! Welcome!"

The very cheerful girl sold us tickets and handed us a map with all of their attractions. It wasn't a very large place, she called it an amusement park, but it looked like it could be fun for a few hours.

"They have a petting zoo!" Ashley gushed. "Let's go pet stuff!"

I laughed and agreed. We entered through large and extravagant gates. My senses were completely overwhelmed. There was more than just those from Moon Mist here.

"I didn't know so many different wolves came here," I whispered.

"I know. It's great."

"It is. We need more intermingling amongst the packs. This is awesome!"

"Look at that!" she yelled pointing towards a roller coaster, that's what the girl at the gate called it, that rushed past us. "Oh, my Goddess. Let's go on that!"

I laughed and followed as she dragged me towards the line.

"If this place has been here for 5 years why haven't our parents brought us here?" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I mean being the daughters of the Beta and the Gamma we never left Moon Mist. Like ever. The furthest I went is like a mile beyond the borders of town."

"Me too."

"Dad did always say there were extra dangers out there for high-born children. Maybe that's why?"


We walked through the entire park and rode as much as we could and spent what felt like hours petting all of the adorable animals they had. I loved the little bunnies. There were so many of so many different colors.

"I want one so bad," I squealed as an extremely fluffy black and white bunny snuggled into my neck. "She's so sweet!"

"I want goats!" Ashley yelled as a little goat chased her around the barnyard.

We laughed and ran around like we were just young pups again. For the first time in days, I forgot about the heartache that I'd felt.

As the sun waned in the sky we finally walked back to the car.

"I could spend like every day there!" Ashley said excitedly.

"Me too! When we get back, we will!"


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