Chapter 22

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We stood in the middle of the gala, Prince Edmond grasping my hands and staring into my eyes. It felt as though everyone and everything else around us just melted away. We were the only ones who existed in the entire world.

My heart pounded so hard in my chest that I could hear it in my ears. I inhaled deeply, relieved that I'd found the smell that had been plaguing me for the past week.

He breathed dramatically, almost like he was inhaling my scent as deeply as he could.

Does he feel the same thing?

A smile played on his lips as we continued to lose ourselves in one another. I wanted nothing more than for us to mark one another, but deep down I knew that was highly inappropriate to do in a public setting. I was not about to stoop to Harmony and Alex level.

"I-I, um..." I couldn't find my voice.

"I know," he said. "I've been able to smell you everywhere. It drove me crazy that I couldn't find it, until now."

"Me too!" I exclaimed. "Everyone said I was crazy. I knew I wasn't."


We both tore our eyes off one another to look at Savannah as she let out an ear-piercing shriek. She stomped her feet and flailed her arms at us.

"No! He's marking me! No!" she screeched.

"Um, what do you do?" I asked.

"That's why there was the ball tonight, Savannah. So I had another chance to find my mate." He pulled me close to his body. "And I found her. I'm not marking you."

"Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" she screamed over and over. "This isn't fair! I'm supposed to be the next queen!"

Two guards appeared from the shadows and grabbed her by the arms, forcefully moving her from the room.

"No!" She dug her heels in and scratched at their faces.

The bigger of the men sighed heavily and rolled his eyes before hoisting her up and over his shoulder.

"I feel bad for whoever she does mate with," Edmond mumbled.

I laughed lightly.

I felt so different. I felt complete. The small piece that felt missing was finally in place.

"I can't believe this. How is this even possible!" Harmony said, approaching us. "It doesn't matter. You're still part of Moon Mist. I'm still your Luna! Alex is your Alpha!"

"Actually," I started. "You're not yet and from the looks of it, I'm not going back to Moon Mist."

"And she's going to be queen one day. You might want to mind your place as well," Edmond growled at her.

"Harmony, no. You need to stop," Alex whispered, grabbing her arm. "She will be queen. Stop."

"No! Alex! We talked about this and agreed. She would stop all of this nonsense and go back to position as the lower daughter. Where she belongs!"

"Harmony, seriously. Stop."

"They didn't mark each other. That other girl is supposed to be his mate. Let them mark each other. Elanor, you need to return to Moon Mist."

Has she lost her mind? She's insane.

Edmond glowered at them both. Alex grabbed Harmony's arm and pulled her away from me.

"I do apologize on my mate's behalf, Prince Edmond...Princess Elanor. I promise it will not happen again."

Princess. Me? The daughter of Artemis and a princess.

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