Chapter 32

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"What's wrong?" Ashely asked, dancing her and Alastair next to us.

"Oh, um, nothing," I mumbled, laying my head on Edmond's shoulder.

"Something is wrong. What is it? You can't lie to me, Ellie. I know you."

I looked at Edmond and he shrugged.

"Okay, so we're leaving."

"Leaving? Where? Where are you going? Why are you leaving?"

"Keep your voice down."

"Sorry. Where are you going?" she whispered.

"We have to head north."

"Let's go somewhere to talk," Alastair suggested.

"Good idea."

We strolled through the ballroom, saying hello and pretending everything was wonderful. I knocked on King Orsand's office door.

"Enter," his commanding voice responded.

"Majesty?" I asked.

"Ellie. Come in dear." He stood, his smile turning to a frown when he saw Ashley and Alastair. "And you brought friends."

"I did. Forgive me, sire."

"Dad. Call me dad. No need to be formal with family." He smiled at me.

"Thank you, dad." I bit my lip before taking a deep breath. "I told them."

"Told who what?"

"I told Ashley and Alastair about us leaving."

"Oh, yes. Your honeymoon. It is wonderful."

"Dad, we can trust them," Edmond said, stepping forwward. "Ashley and Alastair have been there with us since the beginning. They can be helpful."

"Help? How can they help? She's a Gamma's daughter and he's a Beta. They're not warriors."

"We might not be warriors, but we can learn to be."

"Learn? Have you ever fought before?" Orsand stood, staring Ashley down. "Have you ever had to go into battle not knowing if you would survive or if you would even win? Have you ever had to defend all of wolf kind?"

"Well, no, but..."

"No. No buts. I'm sorry. I cannot let this happen."

"Father, you're not even listening."

"Your majesty, I know you see me as nothing but a Beta but this battle isn't just about warriors fighting. This isn't a far-off battle. This is in our backyard. Our family's lives are in jeopardy and they don't even know. They have no clue how close the danger is to us."

"I can't in good conscience send a Beta and his mate into battle."

"We don't have a choice, dad."

"Kin..Dad, with bodies showing up close to the palace, I agree with Edmond. We don't have a choice in the matter."

"What?" Edmond, Alastair, and Ashley asked, looking at me.

"Do you want to tell them?"

King Orsand sighed heavily and sat down.

"Or who told you about the body?"

He put his head in his hands.

"We can at least learn enough to hold them off and help the Blackpaw Howlers."

"The who?" Edmond asked.

"The secret warrior pack to the north of us," Orsand mumbled into his hands.

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