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Deep in the void of space, stood a space station orbiting the Milky Way Galaxy. Inside the station, a man in a plague doctor mask with a button up shirt, a brown vest and a duster coat with dress pants and cowboy boots, was lounging in a chair.

"Ugh... Why does monitoring the universe have to be so fucking boring!?"

He bounced a ball in the air before catching it. He turned his beak to look at the shelves of books and DVDs he had. He saw one that stuck out to him. Castlevania.

Ah yes, Castlevania, a media he had fond memories of as a child. From the games to the Netflix series, he was always a fan of the series. He suddenly had a great idea.

He stood up from the chair and walked towards one of the books and pulled it out. Revealing itself to be a book about the Infinite Corridor.

From the station's computer, a synthetic voice spoke up. "And what is it you're up to this time, Ace?"

"I'm bored, VEGA." Ace answered.

The now named AI just continues, "I can see that. Which answer to your boredom is what exactly? And what kind of trouble will this lead to?" VEGA asked.

"Well what if I told you I was going to grab some characters from Castlevania and have them watch a lot of different universes and even history?" Ace asked hypothetically.

VEGA was silent before answering, "I'd say you're either mad, brilliant, or you're wanting to create a paradox by showing those of the 15th century the future and or different futures and timelines, but since I don't have a physical form to stop you I'll simply say, how can I be of assistance?"

"I'm going to create a portal to my theater. Can you find fixed points for these characters and drop them into the theater?" He uploaded the files of the several characters to VEGA's data stream.

One quick calculation later a chirp from the computer was heard, "Done, would you like the passive field to be engaged?"

"Yeah, they're gonna be hostile. I want to be able to explain myself to them."

Another chirp is heard as VEGA does his best federation computer impression, "Teleportation is ready to engage."

The Plague Doctor took a deep breath before saying, "Engage."

With that command, the very flow of time and space changed forever as a portal was opened to reveal a theater. The chairs all had a table in front of them.

The overseer looked around at the theater and asked VEGA, "How's the theater operating?"

VEGA chirped in his normal voice, "Theater is operating within normal parameters, the guest shall be arriving in 1.5 seconds, I'd advise stepping through to greet them."

Ace nodded and stepped into the theater just as several people teleported. The portal closed behind Ace and now he was left with the newly arrived guests.

Of course some didn't land gracefully, as a few did land on each other which resulted in groans of pain.

The overseer winced behind his mask.

Dracula groaned as he stood up, holding his head and shook it a bit, his long black hair swaying with gravity, "What is this? Where are we?"

Two men dressed in robes of sorts, stood up as well, a young man with grey shoulder length hair held his back while looking around, "I don't know, my lord."

The other man of darker skin stood straight, not showing any discomfort, said almost monotone. "But it is surely not the castle."

Trevor Belmont, a man with stubble facial hair and brown hair groaned as he got up off of a woman with short strawberry hair. "What the fuck just happened?"

Castlevania: Through the Infinite Corridor of MadnessWhere stories live. Discover now