Dracula the Game Developer

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Dracula was looking at the screen in confusion. "Is this some kind of joke, Mr. Berkeley?"

Ace shook his head, "No sir. In this universe, you created video games based on the fight between the Belmont clan and you. You've been making these games since the mid 1980's. Though there hasn't been one since the 2010's. We'll be watching you talk about your history and the games."

Lisa was smiling a bit. "I can't wait to see this world!"

The screen came to life as it showed Dracula dressed in a white button up shirt, brown leather jacket, brown pants which seem to flare out at the ankles while rocking a belt and rather large square glasses and his hair in a ponytail. Text on screen came up showing, "California, USA 1978." As music played in the background with Dracula walking down what looks to be a boardwalk.

"Love the look, darling. You should put your hair up more often." Lisa said, kissing his cheek.

"Not exactly the kind of clothing I'd picture Dracula in." Trevor said while scratching his head.

Adrian was trying his best not to laugh because of how outlandish the pants were.

Carmilla was failing to contain her laughter, "Rather interesting choice in pants, my lord."

"It must be the style of that era, I'll admit, it is strange." Dracula said.

VEGA chirped in Ace's earpiece, "Just wait until he sees his reincarnation's clothing."

Ace snorted.

As he walked, the sound of laughter caused Dracula to stop, walking into the building he saw children, teenagers, and even some parents around machines of light and sound dropping money into the machines as they cheered and smiled, interacting with the shapes and colors on the screens.

"What are these machines?" Dracula asked.

VEGA replied, "This is the humble beginning of video games, and what you see are known as arcade cabinets."

Sypha and Lisa both asked, "And you pay to play them?"

"You always put in at least a quarter to play one of these. They were everywhere and while they still exist to this day, the advent of video game consoles kinda killed them a bit." Ace answered.

Dracula smiled a bit seeing the happy faces of the children, it reminded him of his own children. Looking at the counter, he walked up and asked the owner, "So what is this place?"

The owner, who is a young man, answered with a smile, "This is the Arcade Emporium, where games and fun is our goal." Dracula nods as he watches the games. Listening to the young man talk, "Rumor has it that you'll be able to have arcades at home soon, if I had the money I'd invest into those companies and make my own games."

Dracula stared at a boy and girl who were laughing playing a game called pong, while in his head the gears were turning at such an idea. "Yeah, that would be a good idea."

Lisa smiled, "So this is where you got such an idea, to entertain and see children smile." She laid her head on his shoulder, looking at him. "You're such a big softy."

Dracula was slightly embarrassed, but had a smile.

"If only my great grandfather could see this. Maybe he wouldn't have thought so badly of him." Trevor said.

Sypha sniffled slightly, making Trevor look at her. "Are you crying?"

The camera zoomed in on Dracula as a montage begins, showing Dracula buying out an office building, filling it with workers building computers, and all while he changed to wearing mostly a button up white shirt and dark pants, however the years pass as his company produced arcade cabinets, then cartridges, up until finally it catches up to the reveal of Castlevania as he smiles at the cheering crowds.

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