The Terminator

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Everyone made their way to the theater room where Ace and VEGA weren't there. So everyone decided to make themselves comfortable in their usual spots. That's when Carmilla, Morana, Striga, Lisa, Dracula, Leon, and Isaac looked at Hector and Lenore with a smile.

"So how was it, dear Lenore?" Carmilla asked.

Lenore couldn't help but blush as did Hector.

"I believe I speak for everyone when I say we are very proud of you both." Isaac said with a rare smile.

The two couldn't but smile as Lenore moved to sit on Hector's lap and rested her head against his. "We couldn't have done it without you all to help." Lenore said with a smile.

"Especially for helping me see reason." Hector said.

They all smiled and nodded their heads at them. That's when the door opened to reveal Ace and VEGA walked in. "Gotta say, retro porn beats out modern everytime." Ace said.

"Indeed. It is more natural and passionate." VEGA chirped.

"It's wonderful to see you both again." Lisa smiled at them.

VEGA turned as he bowed his head slightly, "As is to you Mrs. Tepes." He then nodded his head towards the Director as he asked, "I assume you will be sticking around for a bit, sir?"

The Director nodded as he said in an almost excited voice, "Of course! It's been too long since I've hosted a theater and seeing this old design brings back oh so many good memories."

"You hosted for a while?" Sypha asked in surprise.

"Of course. It had been a long time before I could get our organization on the ground. As a matter of fact, the main Headquarters was the original Observatory." Director Dracula revealed before sitting down a couple seats away from the original Dracula with Willow sitting on his lap.

Already Sypha and Morana had notepads out as they said in unison, "Tell us more."

Which caused the director to laugh a bit as he nodded, "Well my dear explorers of knowledge, I shall regal you with the tales of my early days another time, however I do believe I have something I quite enjoy from time to time and it happens to involve not only our dear Speaker, but also Belmont AND Striga."

Said Amazon Slavic perked up at the mention of her name.

"And what is that?" The Original Dracula asked, intrigued already.

"Tell me, what do you know about time travel?" Director Dracula asked, with a little smirk on his face.

Ace's eyes widened. "Director... You don't mean…"

Sypha spoke up in a disbelieving tone, "That's impossible! I mean, the very idea that a spell could achieve such a thing is not only dangerous but could very well damage the fabric of reality!"

"I've never heard of any sort of tales like that. Is it possible?" Hector asked.

"Well it is possible in several universes, and it isn't via a spell. It is possible by advanced technology and an advanced artificial intelligence. Allow me to introduce you all to the Terminator. VEGA, if you would?" Director Dracula asked, looking at the A.I Assistant.

"Of course, Director. Beginning playback of Universe #40385." He chirped.

The scene opened on the sight of a bright light before it was revealed that the light was connected to a garbage truck that was being driven by an older black man who was doing his job. However, once he started to lift up the garbage bin the truck stopped all together.

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