Music 2

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"Now, this first song we are going to listen to is a song that is... Kind of unknown. At least to the majority of the population" Ace said, tapping on his tablet.

Striga shrugged, "I'm sure a lot of them are. So what is this one about?" She asked.

"Well our first song is called Fall by a fellow named Dotan. This song is essentially about failure, but in the context of the video accompanying it, it will mean something different." Ace explained.

Everyone nodded in understanding as Sypha spoke up, "Many songs have been about tragedy, I believe a few poems even covered such topics."

"Indeed." Isaac agreed.

"Well, let's see what we are dealing with." Adrian said.

Our story begins within the castle. Lisa was walking down the hall until she saw Dracula on top of the stairs. Lisa introduced herself, "My name is Lisa. I am from the village of Lupu. I want to be a doctor."

It cuts to reveal Dracula behind her, looming over her with his left hand lingering over her shoulder, "I am Vlad Dracula Tepes, and I do not get many visitors. What have you to trade for my knowledge, Lisa of Lupu?"

Lisa smiled, "Oh I remember this day like it was yesterday." She said as this was the day she found her Count.

Dracula smiled as well as he held her hand. "It's my third favorite memory."

"This must've been when they met." Sypha noted.

Dracula raised an eyebrow at her, "I've known you two minutes, and you offer for me to walk the Earth as an ordinary peasant, while I offer you the knowledge of immortals." He opened his arm out to reveal his laboratory. "The true science."

"They won't be peasants anymore if you teach them. They won't live such short scared lives if they have real medicine. They won't be superstitious if they learn how the world really works." Lisa said with excitement.

Dracula chuckled, "Why should I do that?"

"To make the world better." Lisa replied. "Start with me, and I'll start with you."

Dracula smiled before blowing at her and opened his arm. "I think I might like you."

"Aww, I do love a good romance story." Morana, being a book lover, mostly enjoyed romance stories.

Sypha and Lisa said in unison, "As do I."

VEGA chirps, "Oh, it seems we have a forming book club here."

"We'll see about making activities for them after they get a good night's sleep." Ace said to VEGA.

The song began with an acoustic guitar playing gently at the sight of a painting of Lisa. She wore a red dress with a bouquet of white flowers. Until it dissolved into a painting of Dracula and Lisa, their wedding rings were painted to shine. Then finally, it dissolved into another painting of Dracula with Lisa holding a baby Adrian.

Dotan: Come out while the rain is gone.
Slow down breathing on your own.
And the world keeps spinning around while we're diving in.
And the world is bringing us down, leaving marks on our skin.

Lisa smiled, "Oh I remember those times, and Adrian was so adorable." She says leaning into her husband's arms.

He smiled and leaned against her as well

"Nice voice for a man." Carmilla said.

"Agreed." Lenore nodded.

Greta smiled, looking at the painting before speaking to Adrian, "You were so cute as a babe."

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