Intermission 4

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There was a tense silence as everyone stood there, facing off the man who by all accounts should be dead. The silence was so thick one could cut it with a knife as no one dared to speak or even make the first move.

The First Belmont looked at everyone with curious eyes as he asked, "Where am I?"

Trevor cleared his throat as he said, a bit awkwardly, "That's...well to be blunt if we told you, you'd say we're all fucking insane."

Which resulted in him getting a head slap as Sypha hissed out, "Language!"

Ace took a deep breath as he cursed to himself. "Great... Um, welcome Leon. I am Ace Berkeley." He jumped down from the stage and moved in front of the cast to Leon.

"What's going on here?" Leon asked as he took a step back.

"You're in a theater, Leon. Why don't you come with me and I'll explain everything." Ace suggested.

Dracula watched and almost wanted to interfere. Possibly in an attempt to patch the gaping hole that was left from manipulating his brother in arm.

A hand was felt on his shoulder as Striga was the owner of said hand, speaking with wisdom she said, "Time will come for you to mend that for which you broke the bond to your fellow brother. But now is not the time, my Lord."

Dracula looked at her before relenting and staying back. Lisa and Willow held his hands as they could tell that seeing him again would make him possibly do something illogical.

"A-alright." Leon said gently, trying to make sense of everything. Ace looked at the cast, "Go ahead and get something to eat or explore. We'll reconvene in an hour or two." He turned his attention to Leon and said, "Now, Leon let me ask you something, what do you know about the universe?"

Leon was a bit dumbfounded by the question, and while this was happening, three 'Nurse' androids came and escorted Greta, Lisa, and Willow to the medical bay for a simple medical check.

Dracula and Adrian debated following them to find the news, but it was decided they'll wait outside the Med Bay to hear the news afterwards.

The Nurse Droids sat them both down and VEGA spoke, "There have been many advances in medicine including knowing if one is pregnant or not. We have provided you three with a pregnancy test. Please lay down on the table and we will scan your entire body for irregularities."

The three simply nodded, though Lisa was very fascinated by the technology but like the other two, laid down on the tables. A bar of light slowly moved from their feet towards the tops of their heads as their bodies were subjected to a full body scan.

While outside Adrian was seen trying to put a hole in the floor as he paced back and forth in front of his father.

Dracula watched his son pace and sighed gently. "Adrian, calm yourself. I know you're nervous at the thought of becoming a father."

Adrian stopped in front of him and he sighed, "It's more than that, I'm scared. Scared that something could happen to the baby. Scared that I might not be a good enough father. HELL! I'm scared that a complication may happen and we will lose the baby!" His head hung as a hand met his head as if he was fighting a migraine. "What scares me the most is if the child grows up and rejects me for the things I have done! Rejects our family! I'm just a raging storm of emotional distress!"

The father stood up and wrapped his arms around his son and rubbed his back gently. "Breathe son. Just breathe in and out."

Adrian took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. Dracula then said, "I was just the same way. Trying to raise a child in the time period we were in was... Truly difficult. I too questioned if I would be a good father. I never wanted you to follow in my footsteps. But I learned an important lesson, let go of the doubt. Let go of the fear and simply be there for your child."

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