Remnant: The Eternal Cold War

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Once again, the Theater was full of talk as everyone was attempting to understand how magic played a role in transporting not just landmass, but from what they understood a good chunk of the vampire population to Willow's, or at least a version, of Remnant.

The loudest being Sypha who was now at a round table, which was requested, with others of magical knowledge and of higher IQs. "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! No known spell should have such an ability without such a major backlash to the caster! Vampiric or mortal!" Sypha exclaimed as she lightly hit a balled fist against the table. Around the table was Dracula, Lisa, Morana, Hector, Isaac, Lenore, and Carmilla.

"But who is to say this isn't the work of an extremely powerful magician? Or even our Lord himself? After all, he is capable of many things." Isaac argued.

"I thank you for the compliment Isaac, but even that would be too much for me." Dracula said.

"This could've been the work of a god." Morana suggested.

Hector nods, "I agree with the good lady Morana, there is much we still do not know."

Lenore nods in agreement as Carmilla spoke up, "Or it could have been an accident while transporting the castle. There are many possibilities that we could be overlooking."

"An accidental transportation is one thing, but including the landmass? That's the part I don't understand." Sypha rebutted.

Lisa nodded, "Magic is something that is still wild and part of nature, while I wish to say those of us who practice magic understand it, I think we can all agree that we really don't." She looked at those who can use magic as they themselves looked at each other.

"A god is the only logical conclusion, but it couldn't be God himself, could it?" Hector asked.

"It's possible, after all, we are unholy creatures in the eyes of Him and his disciples." Lenore said.

"Did Willow ever talk about Remnant's gods? If they even have any?" Isaac asked.

Willow's voice spoke up, "There were the two gods, twin brothers, light and darkness. However from what I understand and gathered from my travels they are seen as children trying to get their parents attention as they are creations of the multiverse."

Hector jumps a bit as he says, "I forgot you were there milady." Willow just gave a little smile and a tilt of her head.

Dracula frowned, "Could this be their attempt?"

Willow nodded, "Or it could be an overseer, uh those like Ace, who wanted to conduct an experiment or simply wanted to try and bring peace to that Remnant."

Everyone looked at each other. This was also possible, as they were brought into the Observatory because of the future and had to learn everything at their disposal to discover a way to stop their future from happening.

"That must be the reason." Isaac conceded.

Everyone had a slight nod.

Off with a small group of those who didn't understand such things was Trevor, Striga, and Greta with Adrian to make sure they didn't do anything... well idiotic.

"You know Striga, I'm surprised you're not trying to demand a rematch harder from Willow considering how she dropped you like a sack of potatoes." Trevor commented.

"Morana has stopped me from doing it now. But mark my words, Belmont, I will have my rematch with her." Striga said with a cross of her arms.

Trevor chuckled as Greta nodded, "Well when you do, I'm putting gold on Willow."

Striga huffed as Adrian just pinched the bridge of his nose, "Why did I have to babysit these muscleheads?'' He muttered to himself.

"Because you're the mature one here." Greta responded.

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