Trevor and Carmilla sighed in disappointment before they all grabbed some snacks and sat down. The King of the Pumpkin Patch sat down next to the Director. "Oh I'm so excited for the scares!" Jack exclaimed in an excited manner.
The Director nodded with a smile, "I can't wait to see how they react to this universe… been a hot minute since I last visited it."
Willow curled up on her husband's lap before whispering into his ear. "You'll have to tell me all about that."
"Is there any context you can give us?" Sypha asked.
"Well in this universe, several of you are college professors who have a fascination with the paranormal. You've wanted to capture definitive proof that spirits and ghosts exist. Because for some reason, New York City seems to be infested with them." Ace explained.
"And who are the college professors?" Lisa asked in intrigue.
"Let's watch and you'll find out." The Director said with a small smile.
The screen came to life with the sight of the New York Public Library before the screen cut to two men walking up the steps. "As a friend I have to tell you; you have finally gone round the bend with this ghost business. You guys have been running your ass off meeting and greeting every schizo in the five boroughs who says he has a paranormal experience. What have you seen?" The man with long blonde hair and yellow eyes said. It was Adrian with Trevor next to him, holding a video camera.
"So I'm assuming, I don't believe in ghosts." Adrian guessed.
Sypha couldn't help but scratch her head, "Which is rather silly in retrospect."
"Well consider this, perhaps it's just a normal world. No monsters, no vampires. So the idea of creatures existing is silly. Perhaps they're just folk tales." Morana suggested.
Trevor nodded as he rubbed his chin, "She does have a point."
"But there are folks attempting to discover proof of them. So perhaps this is the day Adrian becomes a believer." Greta said, rubbing his arm.
Adrian chuckled, "Perhaps."
"This will be a fascinating experience, I can tell." Dracula commented to Lisa. She nodded as she was now seen eating popcorn, ready for what was to come next.
The two were now in the library as Trevor responded. "Of course you forget, Adrian, I was present at an undersea, unexplained, mass sponge migration."
Adrian sighed, "Ooh, Trevor, those sponges migrated about a foot and a half."
Dr. Sypha Belnades was under a reading table, listening to it with a stethoscope. Adrian smirked and ran over to her and spoke in a zombie voice. While knocking on the table. "Sypha..."
Sypha was puzzled by the noises as she thought she was hearing the dead speak to her. That's when Adrian slammed a book on the table which startled Sypha and several of the folks in the library. She jumped up from the floor to see her co-workers. "Oh, you're here!" She exclaimed slightly.
Trevor couldn't help but laugh as he exclaimed, "And the band's back together again!"
"It makes sense we would hunt ghosts together." Adrian said with a smile.
"But was that book slam necessary?" Sypha asked with a cross of her arms.
Trevor and Adrian both let out a soft chuckle. "You're not good friends if you don't fuck with them every once in awhile." Striga said with a chuckle.
Lenore huffed as she petted her pup. That's when Hector looked at her and smiled slightly, "You too, huh?"
She nodded, "Striga loves her pranks." She said.

Castlevania: Through the Infinite Corridor of Madness
FanficThe Overseer of Castlevania is bored so he decides to bring the cast of Castlevania and have them react to various things. History, alternate universes, the lives of the characters. Will the cast learn more about the world and possibly hope to chang...