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Alexandra spent most of her nights at this club, hunting demons disguised as mundanes. It had become apart of her daily routine at this point, and it was rather easy when you are invisible to the human eyes.

They had already pointed out a few masked demons upon entering the club, their attempts at blending in with the normal world seemed to be lacking, especially tonight.

Walking up to the barrier beside Isabelle, her dark dress hugging her body tightly, Alexandra scanned through the many bodies. There was one thing hunters and demons had in common, their gothic way of dressing.

"Him" Isabelle spoke into her drink without removing her eyes from the target. Following her line of vision Alexandra spotted a darkly dressed man stepping through the crowd, his eyes trailing down their bodies.

The girls abandoned their post and slowly made their way down the small staircase, Alexandra's heels clicking silently behind the music. The tip of her blade brushing against her thigh beneath the fabric of her dress, the cold sending a shivering sensation through her body as they met the man.

His bright piercing eyes scanned the two women before he brought his body closer between them. This wasn't the first time a demon had fallen for their beauty, which only proved that hunters were the superior being.

"You both look ravishing tonight" He shouted over the music, both ladies making eye contact with each other showing a small smirk knowing their plan was working.

His hand came up to brush Alexandra's curls from her neck, revealing a large rune that ran from her shoulder blade up to her ear. His instant reaction was to push her away, his face white with fear.

However before he managed to run Isabelle wrapped her enchanted snake bracelet around his neck, pulling him right into the grasp of her brother. Alexandra smiled knowing they were about to rid another unwanted demon from this world.

She came to face him, lifting up her dress to reveal even more skin along with a seraph blade, which she then handed to a hooded Jace as he emerged from the shadows. His fingers brushing against her hand as he slowly took the weapon, his blue eyes staring deep into hers.

As the demon tried to escape the others grasps, Jace quickly spun around and slashed his stomach with the blade. He screamed out in pain before Jace finally put an end to his existence by plunging the dagger deep inside of his torso.

Suddenly there was a loud shriek from nearby, both Jace and Alexandra's heads turning quickly. To their surprise a young girl stood watching them in horror, her eyes filled with fear.

Alexandra glanced at her fellow shadow hunters as the man's body shook violently at their feet. The whole room fell into an awkward silence as the girls friend joined her, no one else able to see what she had just witnessed. Though Alexandra wasn't quite sure why she could.

"We gotta get out of here" Alec told them, making his way to the back door in which they entered previously.

"Jace, come on" Alexandra whispered, taking his hand in hers. He looked towards their interlocked hands, before stealing one last glance at the girl.

Both of them joining the other duo as they made their way through the back of the club, checking if the coast was clear before slipping out the exit. If their was one demon here, there was bound to be more lurking.

"How could she see us?" Alec asked worriedly, usually their runes kept them out of sigh from humans, and as far as they were aware they were invisible to the eye.

"I don't know" Jace replied in his normal annoyed tone, Alexandra could tell he was trapped in his own thoughts of the situation.

"She didn't look like a demon, how can she see us?" Alec followed up with, only annoying Jace more.

"I, don't, know" He said before taking his hood down and running his hands through his blonde waves.

Alexandra was also curious but chose to stay quiet, she was well aware of the consequences when pissing Jace off. He was a quiet, protective guy and didn't necessarily like to speak on his emotions. Especially when it came to his past.

Once they reached the institute Jace strangely took himself to his own room, which he rarely entered due to him mostly spending his nights in Alexandra's room.

"Let him process everything, it's not everyday a mundane catches us" Isabelle told her with a smile, placing a reassuring hand onto her shoulder.

Isabelle had been her closest friend for many years, after all they didn't have anyone else. The shadow hunters existence had been vanishing for some time now, they were pretty much all that was left. If any others existed they were in hiding and probably for good reason.

Having no other plans, Alexandra bid her goodnights to her friends and entered the library in search of some answers. Surly one of Hodge's books would hold the knowledge she seeked.

It was dark and quiet during this time of night, and that's what Alexandra liked about the place. Using the large wooden table she balanced herself while she removed the heels which had been killing her feet all night.

The freezing cold stone made her shudder as it came into contact with the soul of her foot. Using her stele she picked a part of her arm in which a rune was placed and ran over it again, burning into the skin and creating heat to corse through her body.  The rune in question that she returned was that of knowledge, hoping to earn some on the situation.

Alexandra had many runes, from courage in combat which was placed on her upper arm, to love which was placed on her lower stomach. One in which her and Jace shared, along with many more displayed over her body. 

Passing the various different displays of downworlders, and the ancient weapons they had salvaged over the years. Learning about their ancestors was one of the greatest memories Alexandra had of her first day in the institution.

She wandered through the book cases collecting the novels which she would study to find the answers, her arms balancing the books carefully as she walked.

She sat at the table flicking through the thousands of pages holding onto the hope that whatever lyes in those books had the answer to her questions.

The time dragged on slowly and the young woman found herself falling asleep with the many books in front of her. Her mind wandering off into a peaceful paradise, though she could have picked a more comfortable position.

Jace searched her room at 2am but had no luck in finding her, worriedly he paced through the institute in hunt for his other half. Knowing he would not sleep unless he knew she was tucked up in bed safe, which is a side of him he never showed.

Opening the door to the library he was met with a beautiful sight. The orange lamp illuminating the body of the woman laying with her head on a book.

As he got closer he scanned the words on the page, shocked to find that she was this much concerned about the mundane finding them. Jace himself wasn't even sure if she was a mundane or not, he didn't have the answers either.

"Come on love, bedtime" He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before carefully lifting her into his arms.

Her body pushed itself further into his bare chest, her head resting on his bicep. This was nothing knew to him, Alexandra found the weirdest of places to doze off. But nevertheless, he adored her touch.

He carried her through the empty halls and into her room, a place which he called home. Ever so gently he lay her onto the mattress, pulling the cover over the top of them as he carefully climbed in beside her. Shifting her body closer to his, the only way he could peacefully sleep....with her next to him.

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