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Isabelle stayed with her all night, after Simon filled them in on the last conversation he had with Alexandra. The siblings grew even more furious about the situation.

Simon decided to take himself home, despite Alec's requests to assort him. After all he was the one to be with Alexandra when she first started to experience the pain.

The woman shadow hunter was now in the library the next night informing Hodge of the tragic events, unfortunately the heart broken rune had not been documented in centuries meaning he had no knowledge for them.

When Alec suddenly ran into the room in a panic, sweat dripping from his hair. His sibling instantly approaching him as he caught his breath.

"Is she awake?" She smiled hopefully, crossing every bone in her body that could be crossed. After all she had been asleep for almost a full day.

He shook his head, killing his sisters faith. "She's gone" He breathed out, Isabelle staring at him with wide eyes. "I've searched the whole institute, she's vanished."

Isabelle stormed out of the room, her footsteps could be heard for miles. Alec was even certain he caught one of the paintings shake, which wouldn't surprise him. His sister did have terrible anger issues.

"Jace! Jace!" She shouted as loud as she could, the blonde in question opening his room door confused.

"What's with all the shouting?" He asked, shirtless in the doorway. His eyes glancing between his fellow hunters.

"It's Alexandra, she's gone" Isabelle told him, peering over his shoulder praying to not find Clary in the room with him.

"What do you mean she's gone?" He replied, grabbing his black shirt from his door handle and pulling it over his head.

"She's gone, i've searched the whole institute" Alec explained. "And after last night, I'm surprised she was able to walk."

"And what's that supposed to mean? Because we all know you cheer for the other side" Jace sneered, staring deep into his eyes with hatred.

"Don't think of making your little jokes right now. I have completely lost my best friend, and that's because of you! Because of what you put her through!" Isabelle shouted, pushing his chest forcefully. Making him take a step back.

"What I put her through?"

"Yes! Because of you she has faced the worst rune imaginable, did you not hear her scream last night? Or were Clary's screams too loud?" She spat, anger coursing through her like a flood. Isabelle completely missing the way Jace's face went pale.

"You haven't spoken to Alexandra in days, your too focused on Clary" She added, wondering where exactly she was.

"She's interesting, I fail to see why Alexandra is so bothered" He told her emotionlessly, seeming unfazed by his former lovers disappearance. Hiding his worry behind the mask.

"Are you taking the piss?" Isabelle laughed sarcastically. "Jace, you and Alexandra have been together for years and all of a sudden you throw that away for some random?"

"We weren't together–" The blonde was suddenly stopped by a soft palm forcefully coming into contact with his cheek.

"Now you know that's bullshit!" She cursed, pointing a blaming finger at him. "You both share the love rune" Isabelle quickly pulled up his shirt revealing said rune, reminding him.

"And if you had any feelings for her at all, you would get your act together and help us find her" Alec butted in. "Before a demon does."

Alexandra stumbled through the dark streets of Brooklyn, invisible to the few mundanes on their way home. Her pain just as bad as it had been before, however she couldn't bring herself to breathe the same air as Jace.

Usually she would lay on a rooftop and enjoy the stars, unfortunately her new rune and her inability to climb buildings forbid her to. So she stuck to the streets.

Hobbling down the next road she suddenly ducked behind a corner, biting her lip so she didn't let out a scream as her back came into contact with the wall. Peaking her head round the corner she saw two large men searching for something in the same building that they had fought the vampires.

A large boot making her jump as they kicked open a door with some amount of force, screaming coming from inside as they entered.

"What ya looking at?" A harsh voice whispered into her ear, a voice which she could never forget no matter how hard she tried.

"Ouch, that looks sore. Boyfriend dumb ya?" She slowly turned, looking into the same blue eyes as her older brother.

"No. He left me for Clary Fray" She told him, noticing how he hadn't changed in those years they had been apart.

His rune of soundless displayed across his neck, the reason why he snuck up on her. His black outfit Disguising him in the night, most likely so he could torture innocent people. He liked doing that.

"So you know where she is? Fancy taking us to her, get some revenge?" He asked her with an evil smirk, raising his eyebrows in persuasion.

"In your dreams. I won't let you kill my family just because we are blood" She breathed, his large hand coming up to grasp her neck.

"I am your family. And the only one you got left, don't make this any harder my child" He spoke, letting her go once they were approached by one of his partners.

"Pangborn what are you–" His even larger friend stopped when looking at the girl, Alexandra immediately recognising him from her childhood. "I would have dressed nicer if I knew we were having a family reunion."

She stood silently looking at him. Samuel Blackwell, a companion of her fathers for many years, wearing his runes as trophies similar to Pangborns. Alexandra could remember times when the pair could actually be considered family. But not anymore.

"Don't be rude Alex, say hello to your uncle Sam" Her father requested, smiling like someone from a mental hospital.

"Hi" She said emotionlessly, staring behind them at the other men flooding from the doors.

"My beloved daughter here wants some revenge on Jocelyn's girl, go on show your uncle Sam what they done to you."

Alexandra sighed, slowly turning her back to the men and bringing her hair over her shoulder. She heard Blackwell grunt behind her making her turn back to them.

"Nasty isn't it? The rune of a broken heart" Her father began, clapping his hands together before continuing. "Not to worry, your families here now. And don't we all like a bit of revenge."

Both men smiled at each other, knowing that she was the key to their plan. They looked at her as they awaited on her next sentence.

Alexandra thought about it long and hard, her father placing a comforting hand onto her shoulder. She didn't want to watch her new family perish like the last and she knew that's exactly what would happen.

But she didn't see the harm in them finding Clary, all she needed to do was give them what they wanted. Which did happen to be the mortal cup, a sacred instrument to their people.

Alexandra's selfishness didn't see the harm of them both getting what they wanted. The mortal cup, plus Clary gone from whatever was left of the institute. The thought of loosing the friendship between the Lightwood siblings didn't even cross her mind.

"Tomorrow night, sundown. The doors will be unlocked" She told them, watching their faces light up.

"That's my girl. Oh, and don't worry, we won't touch your little friends will we Blackwell?" Her father said, wrapping a lose arm around her. Alexandra surprised he cared about hurting her or not.

"On our honour."

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