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Alexandra slept alone once again that night, however during the early hours she felt the bed lower as a warm shirtless body climbed in beside her. The mysterious person then leaving before she awoken, as he if didn't want to be caught.

The woman sighing as she entered the weapons room, preparing to practice her skills considering she was ready to give up during the fight. She knew she was better than that, she just grew tired of being a burden.

Footsteps soon came to the door, Alexandra having a problem figuring out who it was during this time in the morning. After all the other shadow hunters never stepped foot into the room until the afternoon.

"Can I help you with something mundane?" She called, leaning on both hands awaiting on an answer.

"I'm not a mundane" Clary answered, the footsteps getting closer as she approached. "I just wanted to say sorry."

"For what? Stealing the man I love?" She huffed out a small chuckle, bowing her head with a shake.

"Yes, but also for your mother."

Alexandra froze, she had barely had a proper conversation with the girl let alone tell her about her mother. Not that she would have told her regardless of who she was, Clary didn't know her or her mother.

"How do you know about my mother?" She asked, biting her tongue already knowing the answer considering she had been spending a considerable amount of time with the person who knew.

"Jace showed me her skull in the tomb, he said she was murdered."

Alexandra quickly turned to face her, the anger coursing through her veins. "Correct" she said bringing her face to her level. "And if you ask me, yours is next if they haven't gutted her already."

With that, the woman shoved her shoulder into Clary's and stormed out of the room. Outraged at Jace for even telling her, her feelings for him fading each day. Soon she would hate him, and that's something she never believed she would do.

She quickly made a break for the infirmary needing to find a way to clear her mind. Opening the medicine cabinet she rummaged around trying to find the potion in which was supposed to calm the nerves and sort of bring you out of the world for a few hours.

Clearly being extremely loud because as she gave up her search a voice came from behind her. "I didn't think you guys got sick."

She sighed, spinning around to see Simon sat up on his bed. Seeming recharged after his long rest when they returned at sunrise.

"We do, but our runes help us heal faster than you humans" She smiled, walking over to him and sitting in the unoccupied chair. "How you feeling?"

"Like I was in a fight with hundreds of blood thirsty vampires" He joked, making a genuine smile appear on her face.

"Well, we done most of the fighting" She replied, grabbing the damp cloth from his side table and joining him on the small bed. "But you were still very brave" She added, looking at his hazelnut eyes.

Jace had been passing in search of Clary when he suddenly heard Alexandra's voice. Shocked, he watched her climb into the bed with Simon and softly press the cloth against parts of his body.

A serge of jealousy admitting through him, he bit the inside of his cheek trying not to interfere. He was ready to storm into the room when suddenly he saw her smile. It had been many days since he had seen her beautiful smile, heard her funny giggle.

She was happy for once. It just wasn't with him.

Glancing up Alexandra sudden caught his figure standing in the doorway, their eyes staring deep into one another. Feeling Simon turn in the bed beside her as he too noticed. Jace, bowing his head and continuing to walk down the corridor.

"You two were together weren't you?" The brunette asked as he looked down to her.

"It's complicated" She sighed, watching her fingers running over her snake whip wrapped around her arm.

"I don't know anything about love. But I can see that you two have history" He told her, making her turn back to him. The pair making sudden eye contact, their faces uncomfortably close.

They remained that way for a few moments before he glanced down to her lips, his head slowly moving closer to her own. His tongue darting out to wet his lips just as they brushed against her.

"Simon-" The pair abruptly snapped towards the door as Clary burst in. Alexandra quickly standing to her feet with red cheeks, questioning if allowing him to kiss her was the right thing to do.

"Oh my god, were you seriously about to kiss my best friend?" She asked angrily, pointing her hand towards Simon while looking at her accusingly.

"Yeah, I don't see what the harm is?" Alexandra replied, folding her arms across her chest.

"I know you don't like me but SERIOUSLY!" She yelled, alerting the others as they quickly entered the room in a panic.

"What's going on?" Alec asked, walking over to his fellow shadow hunter. Glancing between the three trying to put the pieces together.

Jace and Isabelle still stood by the door as they waited on a response. The blondes blue eyes filling with hurt as he looked towards his girl standing by the bed.

"She was about to kiss Simon just to spite me" Clary asked, tossing her hair to the side as she looked towards Jace.

"Alexandra?" Isabelle spoke, all eyes falling onto the brunette.

"So what if I was? He was the one leaning in, maybe you don't know your best friend as well as you think you do. He is as much to blame as I am" She told them, watching Jace's posture fall.

"Is this to get back at me for telling Clary about your mother?" He asked, slowly walked over to them.

"You did what!" Isabelle shouted at the blonde, shocked at the words he just spoke. "You know Alexandra trusted you with that story and your out here telling your first able fuck."

"Jace was just helping me find my mother, he wasn't -" Clary began.

"Was I speaking to you?" Isabelle interrupted, smoke practically floating from her ears.

"Don't play dumb Clary we all knew his intentions from the start" Alec added, taking his sisters side. "Alexandra you have my full blessing to sleep with Simon tonight."

Jace couldn't handle the situation any longer, charging at Alec and sending his fist flying into his face. The brunette immediately retaliating by throwing himself into Jace's stomach, tackling him to the ground.

"What the hell!" Alexandra screamed, both her and Isabelle rushing to the wrestling men while Clary stood uselessly with her hands covering her mouth.

By this time Jace had gained control, leaning backwards on Alec's lap and once again punching him across the face. Alexandra used this as an opportunity to wrap her arms around his chest and heave him away.

"Enough!" She shouted, giving him a shove backwards so he wouldn't attempt to attack him a third time.

Regaining his balance he pushed his messy hair from his face using a hand with blood stained knuckles. His eyes piercing through almost everyone in the room with pure hatred.

Thousands of emotions running through him. Anger; furious at both Alec and Simon for separate reasons. Embarrassment; shamed that Clary had to witness him act in such a way. Sadness: feeling as though Alexandra had betrayed him for considering locking lips with the mundane.

He was certain her feelings for him had now completely vanished. Leaving him utterly alone.

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