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"He's alive!" Clary wheezed, trying to maintain her balance while also unwrapping the chains from around her friends neck.

"They don't want me" Simon quickly blurted out, his voice raspy with the pressure around his throat. "They want you. They want the cup."

Alexandra's widened eyes met with Jace's, his filled with worry while her filled with regret. Regret for a lot of reasons; following them into this mess, knowing that she stood corrected when she said it was a trap, and for believing Jace's every word for all those years.

Just from that mere eye contact. Alexandra knew that Jace had developed feelings for Clary. Throwing the many years they had shared together down the drain for someone he only just met.

Pulling Simon onto to solid ground, a loud ruckus came from the floor above. The small holes in the ceiling revealing the many sets of feet rapidly running across the ground, heading straight for the stairs.

Jace carried the weight of the sickly man as they ran towards their exit stairs, following them to the floor below. The seraph crystals that Alec had placed on the way in lighting up the path to the exit.

The shadow hunters freezing when the blondes torch illuminated the swarm of bodies blocking their route. Stepping backwards when two vampires ascended from the drop hatch in the ceiling.

Turning Alexandra found themselves surrounded, hundreds of vampires slowly approaching from each side. Alec pulling her and his sister into a second room away from their enemies.

The four shadow hunters keeping their blades gripped tightly and pointed at the blood suckers as they entered the room at a leisurely pace. Alexandra already knowing that they were beat, there was simply too many.

All of a sudden they charged.

Alexandra spun around, slashing the closest man beside her sending him stumbling backwards. Her mind filled with the war cries that the vampires were releasing.

A second immediately charging straight for her, her agility rune allowing her to plunge her blade into his torso while also sliding under his legs. Bouncing back to her feet, along with colliding her boot into a woman's stomach, sending her flying across an old table.

Spinning to find a crowd of vampires heading straight for her, Alexandra used her snake whip to swipe at their ankles, their bodies dropping like bowling pins.

Alexandra was a very skilled fighter that much was true, leaping from table to table using it as an advantage. Helping her to slash and stab each vampire in a close proximity.

However she would never have chosen that particular method if she knew what would await her next. Jumping onto a broad vampires shoulders, she used her weight to pull him down. Only to fall straight into the arms of two of his companions.

They were much larger than she was and had much more strength, leaving her to become their next meal.

Squirming in their grasp, attempting to twirl her blade to attack them. She spotted Jace close by, fighting gracefully. Hearing Isabelle's whip cracking with each victim, watching Alec retrieve a second weapon and stab two vampire at once.

Growing tired of struggling she leaned back, exposing her neck and excepting her fate. Thinking back to her last moments with her true family and how wonderful it would be to see them.

Jace spun on his heel, stabbing yet another vampire before his head shot up at a woman's cry. To his horror he witnessed the woman he loves held by two fang baring men, her head falling back acceptingly. However he was not ready to accept her fate.

"Alexandra!" He called making her head shoot up
confused. The blonde immediately charging towards them, using one of his blade he threw it with incredible aim, impaling one of them in the leg allowing him to set one arm free.

Using the now free hand he watched as she wrapped her whip around his neck from behind, making him let go while he struggled for breath. Although she wasn't out of the woods yet, a woman then coming at her from behind.

With him a few steps away he quickly wrapped a protective arm around her waste, impaling the vampire as he pinned Alexandra against the wall. His face so close that they were breathing in the same air, his blonde locks draping down his eyes.

"I won't let you die" He whispered, their eyes interlocking for a moment.

All she wanted to do in that moment was kiss him. However she caught Clary eyeing them, along with them being surrounded by vampires.

Springing back into the moment, they got back into a defensive stance as the entire crowd surrounded them. More and more of them seeming to be spawning in.

"Jace there's too many" Alexandra pointed out, glancing at the hundreds of fangs staring at her.

"Have a little faith" He replied, the trio of breathless shadow hunters gazing at him with utter shock at his stupidity.

Just as their bodies began to move towards them a loud crashing sound distracted everyone in the room, followed by a gust of cold wind and a pack of ravenous wolves.

Their large bodies over powering the blood suckers allowing the group time to escape. Alexandra dodging the beasts and their pray as they made their way towards the roof. Using her whip to pull the chandelier crashing to the ground, crushing a pair of vampires along with it.

The sun was beginning to rise by the time they made it back out to the real world. Alexandra thankful that she could finally take a breath of fresh air.

Surprisingly Jace blocked her peacefulness when he placed a hand onto her red cheek. His eyes scanning her neck as he moved her head from side to side.

"Never scare me like that again" He told her, his worry filled eyes staring down to her with more fear  than she had ever seen. "I thought I'd lost you."

"Promise me" He added, pushing his forehead into her own. The closet connection they had had in days.

"Promise" She sighed, glad to find that he still cared for her. Despite openly showing his feelings for Clary.

Sadly their happy moment could not be continued when a smaller group of vampires managed to follow them onto the roof. The pair pulled away from one another, yet their hands became interlocked as he spun her around. Allowing her to dig her knife into one of them.

That was after Clary interrupted them by placing her hand into Jace's jacket, grabbing his knife and throwing it into one of the werewolves who had just saved her. One way to show gratitude.

"The roof!" Clary shouted, dragging a tired Simon over to the ladder. The shadow hunters still continuing to fight, letting them have enough time to get to safety.

Jace pulling Alexandra onto the roof after she lost her blade to fending off the ladder. Clary joining them, only to be pulled back down by one of the vampires that almost kill Alexandra.

Being the gentleman that he is, Jace rushed to her side. Using his strength to pull her so far up into the sunlight that the vampire immediately let go once the beam hit it.

The pair falling to the ground, Clary landing on top of him. His hands wrapped around her waist, their lips only a meter apart as they looked into one another's eyes.

"Asshole" Isabelle spat as the siblings joined them, once again unimpressed of how he could switch between the women so easily.

Clary climbing from him awkwardly at the comment. Jace just slamming his head into the ground, ashamed about the way he felt towards Clary. He was drawn to protect her, but it would mean he would lose the one person in the world that he truly had any real emotion for.

Both of them would be his downfall.

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