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Jace stuck to his word, the pair did return by sundown. The blonde bringing the trio of shadow hunters into the weapons room to discuss the next part of his plan.

Alexandra sat twirling a seraph blade in her hands as Jace marched into the room, removing his leather jacket as he done so, revealing all of his many runes painted over his skin.

"What was this urgent?" Isabelle wondered, folding her arms across her chest.

"Magus Bane casted a spell on Clary, we need him to remove it" He informed them, the trio glancing at one another as if he was stupid.

"Are you hearing yourself? We won't get in a 10 foot radius of Magnus Bane" Alexandra told him, reminding him how powerful the warlock was.

"He will see Clary" He replied, looking from the ground up to her.

All heads turned to the door as the woman in question slowly walked in, interrupting a shadow hunter meeting. Something which didn't sit well with Alexandra and the siblings.

"You will get us all killed one day Jace Wayland, mark my words" Alexandra warned him with a stern voice, looking him dead in the eyes before making her way over to Clary. "Follow me i'll find you some clothes."

She heard her footsteps following a safe distance behind her, Alexandra didn't mind that though she didn't necessarily wish to spend time with her anyway.

Upon entering her room, the owner got straight into searching her closet for something that would suit a Magnus Bane party.

Dumping a pile of dresses onto the bed she began sorting through them based on length and design, holding a short black one out in front of Clary's figure.

"Try it on" She instructed, gesturing to the bathroom to her left while she picked an out of her own.

A pair of her signature leather trousers matched with a v neck lace shirt. Pairing the outfit with a small set of boots, her hair pulled into a messy pony to finish off the look.

Seeing a figure emerge from the bathroom Alexandra turned to see Clary, looking very beautiful in that dress. She was naturally pretty she couldn't hold that against Jace, no matter how much she hated it.

"You look beautiful" She told Clary with a sincere smile, noticing the way she got shy afterwards. "Come."

Alexandra stood behind the girl, combing her fingers through her curls and bringing them back to life. Not failing to notice the rune marked on her arm from where she had been bitten by the demon the night Jace brought her here.

"Can I ask you something?" Clary spoke, breaking the silence between them.

"I'm sure I can try to answer it" Alexandra smiled back curiously.

"Which one of you is in love with Jace?" The shadow hunter froze, shocked that it was even a question.

All she could do is sigh. "I'm not sure that's an appropriate question right now" she told her as she brought her hair to the front.

"You said you would try to answer."

Alexandra walked over to the bed, retrieving the boots she had picked to go along with Clary's outfit.

"We have all been a family for many years, spending nights together. But the reality is, no shadow hunter can truly be in love with someone, it's proven now. It wasn't love at all"

An awkward silence fell, Alexandra thinking back to the times Jace stayed in this very room with her. When they trained together, how they looked each other in the eye when their blades clashed in-front of them, before he would kiss her softly.

How soft his hands were, how loving he was. The night he brought her to the garden at midnight just so she could see the flowers bloom, the night they received the love rune together. Which now, would no doubt fade soon enough.

"We better get going" Alexandra finally spoke, heading towards the door and opening it revealing the others waiting on the other side.

"Doesn't she look great everyone" She smiled standing in between her and Simon.

"She looks like someone who's phone number should be on a bathroom wall" Alec corrected as he strolled past.

"Or on a hookers website" His sister added as she followed, making Alexandra roll her eyes playfully. Glad to see they didn't like her as much as she did.

"I think you look great" Jace spoke, however instead of looking at Clary he was making direct eye contact with Alexandra.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get your memories back" She fake smiled, acting cheery before walking after the siblings.

"I don't think she likes me" Alexandra heard Clary say thanks to her hearing ability.

Jace laughed, "She doesn't like anyone" He informed her as they followed along behind them.

The group walked through the busy street of Brooklyn invisible to the naked eye, well except Clary and Simon. Weapons hidden underneath their clothing in case of any interferences, after all Magnus Bane was one to invite downworlders to his party's.

Approaching the large circular door, Jace knocked four loud times. The loin peep hole opening to reveal one of Magus's guards, which the blonde quickly hypnotised using his stele. Leaning a hand through the hole and inviting themselves inside.

The place was crowded with many people, varying from vampires, warlocks, demons. A perfect place for a shadow hunter extinction, however they came peacefully. Well almost.

Just as Alexandra was about to take a look around for Magnus, a hand suddenly grasped her own. The same soft touch that she had longed for for days.

"Wait" He told her in his attractive accent.

"What? We can't find Magnus standing around" She told him, unknowingly squeezing his hand gently.

Keeping them interlocked he used his other hand to carefully remove the clasp holding her hair up. Allowing her beautiful dark hair to fall to her shoulders, covering most of her runes which had previously been on show.

They looked at one another, ignoring the mundanes standing beside them. The pair lost in the eyes of the ones they loved, Jace noticing the way hers had changed slightly. She had different feelings for him now, and he knew it was his fault.

"Better?" She said sarcastically, making the blonde smile lovingly.

"Ive always liked you better with you hair down" He whispered, tracing his thumb along her hand. Smiling at her while she walked away, realising that Clary had been watching him closely.

She hadn't slipped from his grasp long before she received many glances regarding her runes. Furthermore just as she had gotten a few steps ahead with Alec, Magnus made himself known.

"Magnus Bane, we need to talk" Jace told him as Alec and Alexandra came behind him. The party quietening down to hear the commotion.

"You know I don't like you guys, but i'll let you stay. Only because of the hot one" Magnus replied, Alexandra noticing that he was wearing any pants.

"Thank you"


Jace and Alexandra said at the same time, Clary glancing between the two seeing more and more resemblance and feelings between them.

"What?" Magnus asked in confusion. "I meant him, the one with the blue eyes" Alec smiled awkwardly at the warlock eye fucking him. Alexandra found it quite funny really.

Magnus took Clary into a room to have a private conversation, forcing Jace to stand guard outside while waiting for her. Alexandra standing quietly beside him meanwhile the others scattered around the party.

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