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Jace disappeared early the next morning, leaving the trio of shadow hunters to find their own ways to pass the time. Alexandra was beginning to get a little worried about Jace, he normally wasn't this uncommunicative.

"What's up with him?" Alexandra quickly stepped back upon hearing the voices of the siblings in the weapons room.

"It's Jace, he's probably going through one of his phases again. He'll come around" Isabelle replied.

"Maybe it's got something to do with that girl, he spent too much time looking at her. Didn't you see it?" Alexandra's heart tore at the mention of Jace and the mundane, more so at the thought of him leaving so early for that reason.

"Poor Alexandra, if that is the case he's got some explaining to do" the heart broken girl had had enough, she pushed against the door and made her presence known.

Both Alec and Isabelle went pale knowing she had heard their conversation, they were aware how deeply she felt towards Jace. He had made her who she was, without him she would still probably be running from downworlders.

"Alexandra-" Isabelle began with a sorry expression, placing down her seraph blade.

"Save it, I heard what you think and I really just want to train today" She sighed, approaching them and picked up her own blade while her snake whip curled it's self around her arm.

The pair stood still and watched her stroll over to the
training ground in the back of the room. Alec leaning over the table watching as his sister joined the woman, the pair getting into a defensive stance.

"And begin" He spoke loudly, ready to observe.

Alexandra was the first to lunge forward, holding her blade above her head before bringing it rapidly downward. The pair both shared the rune of deflect however Alexandra was gifted with the rune flexibility.

Isabelle was fast in blocking the attack and even quicker at returning it, swinging her blade towards her opponent's torso. Alexandra fell into a backwards handstand, landing onto her feet and returning to battle.

"Amazing Alexandra!" Alec shouted in encouragement, followed with a small applause.

Isabelle's next move involved her whip, in which she used to wrap tightly around Alexandra's blade. Pulling it right from her grasp. Defenceless the woman ran at the wall, with Isabelle hot on her tail.

Placing both feet onto the stone she flipped into the air and straight over her friends head, using her own whip to retrieve her weapon back. Landing back onto the ground she got ready to fight again, only to be stopped by Alec interfering.

He slowly came behind her using his stealth and swung his sword, feeling the air on the back of her neck Alexandra spun around to block him. Smirking at each other while staring deep into the others eyes.

"Quick reflexes" He whispered, pulling away allowing his sister to come behind.

They continued to train for many more hours, having nothing better to do. Eventually they called it quits and spent the rest of their day enjoying each other's company and attempting to distract Alexandra from the fact that Jace still hadn't returned.

A sudden commotion came from the front door, making all heads turn. It was probably Jace returning but with all enemies they couldn't be sure.

"What the hells going on?" Alec asked as he got to the end of the corridor, ahead of the two women. "What are they doing in here?"

Turning the corner Alexandra's heart dropped, kneeling on the floor was a soaking wet Jace. In his lap lay an almost unconscious body of the mundane they had encountered the previous night, all of her worries becoming true.

Thanks to her rune of hearing, Alexandra began to become nauseous upon hearing the mundane and Jace speak of taking his clothes off. She felt tears brink in her eyes.

Using his stele he was able to heal the wound just as she fell into a deep sleep, Jace sighing and glancing up to his girl. Isabelle giving him a look of disappointment as she held onto the crumbling girl.

"Alexandra-" He started with a guilty expression, failing to continue his sentence when she shook her head and marched out of sight.

"You really fucked up today Jace" Isabelle told him, watching his body sulk into the ground before she followed her friend.

Shadow hunters rarely showed this much emotion. However finding out that the person she loved had spent the full day with a random girl was like shoving a blade through her heart.

Jace helped her through the darkest of times, times which she hated to speak of. Suppose watching your mother and siblings brutally killed by a large, hateful
man wasn't really a good topic of conversation. Meeting the others had brought her back to life, and now she felt as though it had all been a lie, Jace's love had all been a lie.

She caught the way he looked at the mundane, he once looked at Alexandra the same way once. Though they hadn't labelled their relationship, both Alec and Isabelle knew they were together and loved the couple.

Laying on her side, Isabelle sitting on the bed with her, Alexandra let a singular tear fall. The fist one she had shed for many years. A sudden knock coming from the door in which she completely ignored.

"She doesn't want to see you" Isabelle put bluntly, Alexandra already knowing who it was.

"What are you her translator, let me in" He replied in his ever so attractive accent, something she didn't want to hear as of right now.

"I'm not going to do that. You have been gone all day and when you do show up, you bring the mundane with you. Do you even know how betrayed she feels right now?"

"Give it a rest Isabelle, we weren't a couple and Clary isn't a mundane"

Alexandra's heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Are you serious! Fuck off Jace. Don't even think about breathing a word to Alexandra, go back to your mundane, she doesn't need you" Isabelle slammed the door in his face, shocked that he even said that.

Isabelle gently lay with her, bringing her body into a hug. She felt unbelievably bad for Alexandra, sure Jace was an arsehole but even this was low for him. All she knew was that her friend would not sleep tonight, sadly that just how she was.

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