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Augustine brushes past branches, jumps over logs, running until she finds the big tree. She leans against it and plays with the water molecules in the grass. Her control over her magic had developed greatly and she was now able to separate small bodies of water from large ones. It makes her feel proud of herself.

Riven tiptoes behind her without her knowing. He grabs her shoulders and puts on a high, authoritative voice. "AUGUSTINE, THIS IS WHERE YOU'VE BEEN SNEAKING OFF TO?" He bellows.

The girl jumps in surprise. Her hand connects with the ground and the water molecules form a small ball and flies at Riven. When she realizes that she had splashed her best friend instead of Miss Plum, she says, "You bloody idiot!"

Soaked, Riven takes off in a sprint with Augustine on his tail. The two ran in the forest, Riven laughing and Augustine yelling at him.

"It's not that funny," Augustine huffs when she finally catches up to him.

Riven snickers, "It is to me."

Augustine scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Yeah, cause you aren't the one who just had a heart attack." She says jokingly, holding a hand over her heart.

Now it's Riven's turn to roll his eyes, "You're so dramatic," he mutters, sitting on the grass.

Augustine snorts, taking a seat next to him, "says you," she shoots back.

They stare up at the sky above them. Birds fly by and Augustine briefly wonders what it would be like to go with them. Discover places other than a small village in Solaria, to be free from this confided space. Of course she would take Riven with her.

Riven points up at a cloud and says, "It looks like a butt."

Augustine laughs at how bluntly he said it, "Oh wow, it looks like you."

Riven rolls his eyes again and Augustine laughs at how funny she thought her joke was.

"It's not that funny," He huffs.

Augustine turns her head to him, "It is to me," She mocks him.

"Shut it," Riven groans.

They become quiet for a moment. Riven turns to his side and picks up something.

"What is it?"

He places a purple flower in Augustine's hair. Her cheeks blush and he flashes her a boyish grin.

"I found this for, I thought you might like it," he says.

Augustine answers, "Thank you,"

He grins again, scratching the back of his head.

Suddenly Augustine grabs his hand and they stand up.

"I wanna show you what I can do."

Augustine walks towards their pond and Riven follows her. He sits on the big rock and Augustine stands near the pond ready to show her powers.

"I learned something new!" The ten-year old girl giggles.

Augustine turns her back to Riven. She takes a deep breathe and her eyes turn a daring blue as she forms a flower out of water. The way she moves her hands in graceful way, concentrating on the fluid flower. Her hands make a sharp movement and she freezes the flower. Her eyes turn back to their normal deep brown and the flower falls gently into her hands.

"Woah," Riven marvels. Augustine giggles, proud of herself. She had come such a long way with her magic.

Augustine walks over to Riven and hands him the flower. "Here," she says softly, handing him the ice flower.

𝚩𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝚩𝐎𝚴𝐃𝐒, 𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝚴Where stories live. Discover now