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"ONE MORE TIME," Annabeth said. "Exactly what happened?"

Leo slumped against the mast. He choked back a sob. "I don't know. It's fuzzy."

Annabeth crossed her arms. "You mean you don't remember?"

"I..." Leo struggled to speak. "I remember, but it's like I was watching myself do things. I couldn't control it."

Coach Hedge tapped his bat against the deck. Maia didn't know what to think of the satyr just yet. She was still deciding where he stood on her list of people on the Argo II. Because, yes, she had a list.

"Look, kid," Hedge said, "you blew up some stuff. You attacked some Romans. Awesome!"

"¿Cómo fue?" Maia asked incredulously, eyebrows raised.

The coach ignored her. "Excellent! But did you have to knock out the satellite channels? I was right in the middle of watching a cage match."

"Coach," Annabeth said, "why don't you make sure all the fires are out?"

"But I already did that."

"Do it again."

The satyr trudged off, muttering under his breath. Even Hedge wasn't crazy enough to defy Annabeth.

She knelt next to Leo.

"Leo," she said calmly, "did Octavian trick you somehow? Did he frame you, or—"

"No." Leo could have lied and blamed that stupid Roman, but he didn't want to make a bad situation worse. "The guy was a jerk, but he didn't fire on the camp. I did."

The new kid, Frank, scowled. "On purpose?"

"No!" Leo squeezed his eyes shut. "Well, yes...I mean, I didn't want to. But at the same time, I felt like I wanted to. Something was making me do it. There was this cold feeling inside me—"

"A cold feeling." Annabeth at Maia said at the same time. Both girls looked at each other, eyes wide, and turned back to Leo. Annabeth's tone changed. She sounded almost...scared.

"Yeah," Leo said, nervously. "Why?"

From belowdecks, Percy called up, "Annabeth, we need you."

Maia sharply inhaled. Oh gods, she though, please, please, please be okay.

"He'll be fine. I'm sure of it" Annabeth's expression softened. "Maia, Frank, I'll be back. Just...watch Leo. Please."

Frank nodded. Maia gave her a thumbs up, though, she was sure she still looked like a nervous wreck.

Leo and Frank stared at each other weirdly, an awkward tension emanating from the both of them. Maia had no idea what that was about, but she wasn't really sure she wanted to ask.

"Um," Leo said, "You're Maia?"


"Sorry," he chuckled awkwardly, "I've just heard a lot about you, is all."

"You have?"

"Are you kidding? Jason never shuts up about you. Please, he was always like 'I wish Maia was– I mean. No, just, one or two things, is all."

"Oh," Maia said. "Right..."

"So," Frank said. "Your name isn't Sammy?"

Leo scowled. "What kind of question is that?"

She elbowed Frank. "Nothing," Maia said quickly.

Frank nodded. "I just— Nothing. About the firing on the camp...Octavian could be behind it, like magically or something. He didn't want the Romans getting along with you guys."

𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒 - jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now