꧁*。゚Epilogue *。゚꧂

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My phone rings for the fourth time.

I would've picked it up if I remembered where I dropped it. 

Or maybe if I had the strength to get off the muddy ground where my ass has been drinking for the past hour.

The sun isn't shining today, and rain pours down in icy drops. Water slides down my hair and clothes, numbing my body to the point where it feels brutally normal.

The mouth of the bottle presses against my cold lips and I take another swing, feeling the burning liquid glide down my throat.

Two headstones sit in front of me, side by side, the earth beneath them covered by moss and grass.

Leaning my head back, I close my eyes and let the rain hit my face. If people say the library is the quietest place, they're wrong. The quietest has always been the cemetery.

It's been seven years.

Time heals everything. Time heals all pain.

Then why didn't I heal yet?

Why isn't the pain not numbing?

How much time more?

Tears prick at the back of my eyes, but I hold them in.

My hand reaches into the pocket of my coat, pulling out a sheathed knife. Opening my eyes, I gaze at the intricate markings with designs of red and black roses.

"I got you a gift," I say to her headstone. "I kept my promise."

My eyes flick to the headstone beside hers. "I know you're having a really good time with her. Raising hell in heaven, right, mom?"

My eyes move from Kennedy's headstone to mom's. Looking back and forth between them.

"Fuck you both." I take a swing of the bottle, licking my lips clean when a few drops spill onto them. "Toothy's the only girl who hasn't left me."


All grown up and a mature woman now. Completed college and is already looking for a model agency.

Can't believe Corey graduated high school, but he's doing pretty good. Fucker actually became something in life. Worldwide influencer. He's literally in demand.

Despite me missing almost three months of classes after Kennedy's death, I still somehow got top grades. With a job at a hospital that pays high, I can't fucking believe I reached this far without my mom and my wife.

They're the reason I wanted to become a doctor in the first place.

To save other people that are going through what they went through.

To everybody's relief, I haven't shut anyone out after Kennedy's death like they expected me to. I do have a little bit of a drinking problem though.

Like now.

"Happy fucking anniversary." I raise the bottle to Kennedy's headstone. "We've been married for seven years now." With that, I take another swig of the alcohol. I'm sure my head's gonna explode now by how much I drank already. "Wanna know what I'm doing for our anniversary, babe?"

"I'm gonna sit here and remind you of how you're always fucking mine," I say. "From the moment you walked into my home till now, you've always been mine."

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