Chapter 2

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Yautja appeared suddenly. It is not known from where and why. At first, people tried to resist but died en masse in clashes with this hitherto unknown force.

Only a few talked about just not attacking, not fighting back, putting weapons down, then you can become an uninteresting target for the aliens and maybe they would leave people alone. Unfortunately, this behaviour is not in our nature.

Eventually, the governments instructed on how to hide from the Yautja. The bunkers and shelters were available, but only to those who got there first. When things got critical, the rest of the people had to fend for themselves.


As soon as you entered the building, you were surrounded by shocked guards who were guarding the entrance.

'We thought you're dead!'

'We thought we are all dead!'

'How did you do that he didn't kill you?'

You smiled softly. 'You won't believe, but he's not dangerous ... I mean, he is, but not to us. He has been watching our hideout for some time, he helped me when the savages caught up with me ...'

'He is probably trying to buy his way into our favours ... ' Suddenly your uncle, Julius emerged from the shadows. His voice was calm, but how menacing. 'We have to move immediately, you told him where we hide.'

'He has known that for a long time. 'You said fast. 'He brought me here himself. Anyway, if he wanted to, he would have killed us already.'

'How do you know what sick ideas are circulating in his head? How could you bring him to us?'

'I didn't bring him.' You tried to speak calmly. You thought your uncle would be pleased to see you return safely, rather than rebuking you... at least not right away. 'He has known our hideout for some time.'

Uncle narrowed his eyes angrily. 'Do you have what you went for? Or have you screwed up on that too?'

For a while, you wished you had stayed with Othiel. He treated you much better than you were treated there. Your uncle ruled with an iron firmly, did not accept mistakes, and apparently had women for nothing. He gave them not too demanding tasks, on which little really depended; they cooked, washed clothes, cleaned and looked after the children. Women were not allowed to leave the hiding place alone. So far, you've been the only one to did so, but that's only because there was a shortage of ammunition and weapons, and no guy wanted to take the risk of stepping outside the hideout without being able to defend himself.

You took off your backpacks, threw it at your uncle, and then headed towards the basement, where your parents and friends gave you a warmer party. You got a bowl of soup and over it you started to tell what happened to you.

Hearing your story, they all began to act quite nervous, overwhelmed by the fact that one of the Yautja knows your location. Despite your assurances that you are safe, they decided it would be best to flee somewhere else. You also felt that they were a bit angry with you, but you took it with ease, because you knew that you were safe, certainly not from your new acquaintance.

Behind closed doors, a conference was held, in which, of course, the decision-makers, readd: the men themselves, participated. Irritated, you spent this time in your corner. Everyone had such a corner in the basement, it housed a bed, a change of clothes and personal belongings. You separated your corner from the rest with an old bookcase on which you put your belongings and with a curtain hung on a stick attached between the bookcase wall and the basement wall. There were many such makeshift fences in the sleeping quarters. Everyone needed a little privacy.

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