Chapter 5

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The next morning you woke up in a much better mood than you fell asleep. Everyone seemed to be reasonably happy, no one mentioned Yautja's visit yesterday and what resulted from it. At least not in your presence, for which you thanked everyone in your heart.

Uncle Julius has gone missing somewhere. In fact, you didn't really care where, it was important that he didn't spread his negative aura everywhere. You figured out your aunt and parents had given him a lot to think about the night before.

You slowly began to accept the thought that you would leave Earth. You didn't see any other solution...  Of course, you might just be doing nothing, but the guilt would be too great.

'What are your doubts?' Othiel asked during breakfast.

'How do you know if I have any doubts?'

'I don't know, I just feel like you're biting on something.'

You smiled sadly 'Well, nothing can hide from you, huh?'

'Then share your thoughts with me, (y/n).'

Biting your lip, you said 'I wouldn't hesitate for a moment if I could stay here after becoming queen.'

'You can.'

'Only if all Yautja stay here.'

'Not necessarily, just one Yautja would be enough.'


'You see, they don't understand what's between us. They think that I won't voluntarily agree to stay here, it would never occur to them that I might want to be here permanently. If that were the case, you would have to come back to our planet with us. The rule is that you cannot rule Yautja without Yautja. If we all leave this planet and you stay on it, you will lose power over us ... Then they can strike again, without me, so that the situation with the queen would not happen again. Therefore, at least one Yautja must stay with you. One is enough, but it has to be voluntarily. You can't order him to do this. He must have a choice.'

'And you're telling me this now ?!'

'I did not think it was the most important thing ...' 

'Wait. Do I understand correctly that you are saying, that I can get rid of them while staying here with you?'


'And you would agree to it?'

'Of course.'

You couldn't believe it was so simple. Your heart started to sing. You moved closer to him and you took his hand. 'In that case, I can become queen even today.'

Othiel laughed heartily. 'If so, I would like everything to go according to the ceremony.' He punched something in his left bracer, which had some computer hardware built into it. After a while a small window opened in it, from which he took a delicate chain. He handed it to you. 'Please, accept this gift. In our tradition, the male gives such a bracelet to the female as a sign of devotion. Kind of like an engagement ring in your culture. This comes in handy when... but maybe I'll explain it later.'

'Since you started saying it.'

 'So, the females always wear the bracelet, especially during intercourse. If they take it off, it means they agree to connect. If not, the male knows there is still time to go.'

'Oh, how ingenious.' You immediately put the bracelet on your wrist, but it turned out to be too big. 

'Can also be worn on the leg.' Othiel instructed. You rolled up the trouser, lowered the sock and pushed your leg up. Othiel took the chain and put it on your ankle himself. This time the bracelet fit.

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