Chapter 10

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(A/N: My dearest, dearest readers, first, I want You to know I'M SO, SO SOOORRY, but this is the last chapter I'm putting there 🥺

I didn't expect it, but this story became so large and grows with each passing moment...  and I decided to make a proper, my own book from it. 

Of course it will be without Yautja. Othiel and the others will be changed into some other aliens (in fact they have been changed already). My original story working title is "Children of The Universe" and it will be available here ➜


 It's my NaNoWriMo project, so I'll start to post in November.

The plot will be somehow different, but the alien invasion will be still the main theme and the love between the reader and Othiel will stay the same, so if you're there just for the fluff or smut (or both), you can keep reading the new version from chapter 18 onwards, just to find out how it ends. However, for those who liked this story more, I recommend starting reading Children of the Universe from the beginning, because many details will be changed and more content added. 

So that's all I wanted to say. Once again, sorry, for leaving you like this... But I hope we will meet in this other story because it will still be the story that I am writing for You 💗

Aloha 🌸 )

You left the Center the next morning. Just you and Othiel. Now, that Tangak was left in place, the inhabitants, including your group, could still feel relatively safe. Certainly safer than without any Yautja.

Funny how things changed quickly. Two weeks ago, they would have liked to get rid of Othiel at the earliest opportunity, and now they were happy to have any Yautja looking after them. Maybe not everyone was immediately delighted because Tangak had not yet won their sympathy, let alone trust, but the mood was definitely calmed down.

Only your group still objected to your departure, some wanted to go with you, but you were adamant.

'We will be close enough that you can join us if necessary. Anyway, here you have comforts that we will soon only dream of.'

'But we don't know exactly where you'll be,' your mother sobbed. She got carried away with dread and said that if you split up now, you won't see each other again. You decided that this was not the best time to discuss family matters, and so far you have not told your parents that you knew about the love triangle from years ago.

'Tangak will know, and will bring you if necessary.'

Of the other residents, you only said goodbye personally to Rita and the elders. The rest of the people were not close enough to you to swap a word for leaving. Besides, there were too many of them, it would probably take you all day.

'It was very nice to meet you, (y / n) ...' Rita hugged you warmly. 'I sincerely hope this is not the last goodbye.'

'Of course, we'll see you again for sure, I'll just sort this little thing out with the alien invaders,' you laughed.

'You'll be fine.'

You hesitated for a moment, but finally, you asked a question that bothers you. 'Rita ... what about Octavian?'

'Okay, he's a bit embarrassed, he admitted himself to be carried away ...'

'Wow, I'm impressed. But that was not what I asked. Do you... do you feel anything for him at all?'

The girl clearly did not expect such a question. Her cheeks flushed pink, she sighed as she looked down. 

'Does it even matter, (y / n)? I can't be with him.'

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