Chapter 8

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(A/N: Sorry for this chapter being so long. I don't want to spoil the fun, but I just feel it would be terrible if I make you wait for smut to chapter 9. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing this. Aloha 🌻

In the new hideout, you recovered quickly. Othiel accompanied you constantly, though, according to the elders' will, he hid all the weapons he possessed and did not show himself in public with them. However, Geong refused to be persuaded to do so and simply gave up living with you.

'I'll be back when they get used to seeing Yautja,' he announced as your father brought the rest of the group to the mall. 'Don't worry,' he added at the sight of your sad face.'I'll be around in case you need me, or when the time comes ...' He tapped his fangs significantly, looking at you, then at your companion.

'That's not what worries me. I promised you stay.'

He laughed. 'You attach too much importance to pleasing everyone. You offered me stay, yes. Thank you for that, but I choose independence.' He nodded stiffly to Othiel and walked away.

Your people had been given a whole, large-sized furniture showroom to live in. It was not yet adapted by the inhabitants, only part of the furniture had been taken from it to equip apartments made of spaces intended for shops. Most of the people took away the folded furniture, and since the mall's population was less than three hundred, there was still a lot of equipment in the warehouse in assembled parts.

You have created a space similar to the one you had in the factory; using bookcases and wardrobes to separate personal spaces, but this time instead of awkward bedding you had real mattresses, someone even beds from the sleeping area. You have designated a central place where you have set up sofas, armchairs and chairs; you could all meet there. At least within your group. The mall community met together on the most extensive junction of corridors where all the benches from the facility had been removed.

The mall was quite modern, it used solar panels, so it was independent of the power plant that was no longer operational. Thanks to this, the inhabitants did not have to wander in the dark.

There was electricity, water, comfortable places to sleep, food, and even fresh fruit, which, the guards brought in early autumn from the orchard. Everything you needed. You couldn't have asked for more.

You were still wondering how it was possible that such a large group of people hiding in an easily accessible place had not been discovered by Yautja. While the savages with so numerous guards and a rich arsenal of ammunition could be easily resisted, Yautja, even just one, could certainly handle them. Your curiosity was satisfied on the very first evening, when an old man from the elders, Jacob, revealed that most of the walls of the building were muted with paper and covered with tar to mask the thermal radiation.

'In the basements ... that is, where there was an underground parking lot, we have a boiler room, where the people who know how to do it, burn out tar,' he explained. 

'Clever,' you admitted. 'Have you been living here long?'

'It'll be a year soon. We've got pretty good all over this time, haven't we?'

You nodded with a smile. 'Even very good.'

'Okay, enough of these chats. Time to introduce you to the collective.'

Unfortunately, you still had this on the first evening; the presentation on the forum.

Almost everyone gathered in the assembly hall, as the meeting place of the community was called. Some were scared, others just curious, but all relatively calm.

Almost all of your group, not counting Ellen at rest, her little daughter and Myra who was taking care of them, stood on the dais in the centre of a circle made of numerous benches. You barely fit in there. You and Othiel stood in front, as Jacob commanded so that all could see you clearly.

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