Chapter 4

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I woke up in Lisa's arms. I looked around and saw all of my sisters sleeping. My head start to hurt really bad and I groaned in pain and Christina, Kathrine and Lisa woke up, Lisa hugged me tight and tried to calm me down

Christina what are we going to do the doctor didn't give us her pills yet?- Kathrine asked freaking out

I don't know!- Christina said also freaking out, Dani and Amy woke up and Dani groaned in pain. Now everyone was freaking out and I start to cry in pain. Lisa tried to calm me down but failed and my mom banged on the door.

OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR!- She screamed and Kathrine opened the door.

What's going on?!- Mom screamed when she saw Dani and me.

Mom they need to go to the hospital- Amy said

No you are all staying here!- Mom screamed

Mom please they are in pain- Lisa begged. The pain was to much and I screamed in pain

SHUT UP! - mom screamed and slapped me. I cried in pain, I felt like I was going to black out

Mom please I beg you just for once listen to us- Christina begged, Mom ignorred her and grabbed my wrist

So you are in pain am I right- She asked and I nodded

Well then take this- She said handing a pill, she put it in my mouth and gave me some water

What kind of pill was that?- Lisa asked and mom chukeld

Drugs- She said and walked out, everyone start to cry knowing I would be high in a few minutes



Great just great Lauren is high and in pain, Dani is in pain and we don't know what to do. Mom locked us up in this room and we are also hungry. We are lucky this room is connected with bathroom.

Christina I'm hungry- Dani said

I know honey but please hold on a bit longer maybe you should sleep a bit, I'll wake you up when we have food OK- Christina said and with that Dani felt a sleep. Kathrine was trying to calm down Lauren who was throwing with things. She was hurt, sad, in pain, she was broken. I HATE THIS! I broke down crying and Christina hugged me

shhhhh it's going to be OK I promise you- Christina said

Don't listen to her, you know promises are to break- Lauren said

Lauren please calm down- Amy begged

Shut up!- Lauren snapped

Lauren!- I yelled getting mad

Lisa please calm down that isn't her and you know- Christina calmed me down and I nodded. Lauren turned pale and fall on her knees

Christina she needs her pills now- Kathrine screamed. I remembered what the doctor said, Lauren needs her pills or something bad will happen. Mom walked inside and throw a bag to us

I bought their pills- She said and throw an another bad with food in it and closed the door again. I grabbed Lauren's pills and some water and gave it to her. After 10 minutes she was better again. Christina woke up Dani and we ate the food, it wasn't much, not enough for us but better than nothing right. How are we going to survive this?


1 week later



It's been a week since mom locked us up here and we all lost a lot of weight. Lauren and Dani lost so much weight you can see their bones, this isn't healty for them anymore but each time we begged mom to let us go she hits us. We tried to escape but we ended up with bruises and cuts. Dani's injuries are healed and Lauren's injuries are almost healed and she doens't need her pills anymore which is good.

Christina are we going to die like this?- Lauren asked weak. We turned to her, she was holding Dani in her arms

No we are not going to die, not here- I said she didn't believe me, she was so scared

Christina I'm hungry- Dani said.

I know but there is nothing I can do I'm sorry- I said sad

Maybe we can ask mom to give us more food- Lauren said

I mean we never tried- She added and she got up and knocked on the door after like 2 minutes mom opened the door

What do you want?- She asked

I was just wondering if you could give us more food because we are starving- Lauren asked, mom slapped her and closed the door, Lauren fell on the door and cried. I hugged her tight

I'm sorry Lauren- I said but she didn't stop crying. Lisa hugged her from the other side

Lauren please calm down we are going to be OK- Lisa said

Do you believe yourself?- Lauren asked her after she stopped crying

Because I don't believe it anymore, you are saying this every day for the whole week now and nothing good happened to us- Lauren said and cried again.

god please help us

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