Chapter 41

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Lauren was snobbing in my arms and it broke my heart to see her like this. I don't understand what just happened and why she act like that but I think something big bothers her. I hope nothing bad happened at school because she just start to feel happy again. 

Lauren can you please tell me why you cut yourself?- I asked after she calmed down

I'm sorry Lisa- Lauren said

Today I talked to my math teacher, he told me that a big professional soccer team wants me in their team but he also told me that a huge records label wants to sign us and I have to choice between soccer and the band. I don't know which one to choice but that's not the problem- She explained

Then what is the problem hon?- I asked

I.......I'm scared Lisa........I'm scared that if I choice soccer you'll hate me bacause we can't continue the band.......I'm scared that if I choice the band my friends will get mad at me because I won't be in the team anymore after all those years........I'm scared that Ryan if coming back to hurt us again......I'm scared that Nate won't believe me and will hurt me again......I'm scared that Becca will make my life a living hell again......I'm so scared and I just don't know what to do- Lauren said and again broke down crying. I hugged her tight and didn't let go

Lauren.......I understand that you're scared but we won't get mad if you choice soccer and your friends won't get mad if you choice the band......yes we'll be sad but it's your choice and dream and we have no right to ruin it for've been through so much and we're all really proud of you......Nate will understand that he was wrong and Becca and Ryan won't bother you again, Ryan is in jail and Becca..........well we'll make sure you're safe and she won't bother you- I said trying to cheer her up

Are you mad at me?- She asked

Ofcourse not......we all know that something was bothering you but we were just worried- I said and she nodded. Then Christina and Kathrine walked in and Lauren tensed up

OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!- Christina screamed when she saw Lauren's wrist. They both run to us and Lauren looked terrified. Kathrine grabbed Lauren's arm and teared up

Why Laurie.........Why- Kathrine cried. I explained then everything Lauren told me and in the end Lauren was snobbing. We all hugged her

It's OK Lolo- I said. Lauren looked at Christina who looked at Lauren. Christina looked really sad and was about the got up but Lauren stopped her and hugged her tight. We were all shocked but happy. Christina looked also shocked but hugged her back

I'm sorry Lauren........I'm so sorry- Christina said, Lauren didn't let go for a few minutes

I missed you- Lauren said after a while, her voice cracked a lot. 

I missed you too- Christina said while Kathrine and I watched them smiling. Christina looked at us still hugging Lauren and smiled. Well at least something went god today, right?



I woke up in Christina's arms on her bed. I looked at the time and saw I had to go get ready for school so I slowly got out of Christina's arms without waking her up. I got dressed and since no-one was awake I just drove to school without saying anything else. I arrived at school and when I walked to my locker I saw Becca smirking at me, I sighed and walked towards my locker.

Well Lauren long time no see right- She said but I ignored her. I grabbed my stuff and was about to walk away when she dragged me to the bathroom which was empty.

What do you want?- I snapped and regret it when she slapped me really hard. 

Don't dare to talk to me like that- She snapped and punshed me in the stomach, I fell on the ground holding my stomach.

You're so pathetic- She said lauging, I got up and slapped her

ow you bitch!- She screamed and was about to hit me but I was faster and kicked her in her stomach. She fell on the ground groaning in pain.

DON'T EVEN BOTHER ME AGAIN NOR MY FAMILY!- I screamed and left the bathroom smirking

it's time to stick up for myself and my family


So I decided to make a sequal but I've an exam week so I won't update soon since I'm busy but I'll try and update! Read my other story called kidnapped also about Cimorelli! Thanks for reading!

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