Chapter 33

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So it's been a week since the whole Ryan think and Lauren woke up three days ago. She is doing fine but she's really weak, she needs to take a few pills for her wounds but she's fine. We decided to homeschool her till she catches up with the rest of her class since she missed a lot. She's really improving but the doctor told us to take it easy. Her friends visited her yesterday and they were so worried about her. Nate was so happy to see her again and he was next to her the whole time which was cute. Lauren is happy but also sad since our parents are back in prison, Ryan is also in jail but Becca isn't since she's too young. She has to stay in jail for a week but after that she is free to go, Lauren is kind of scared about that since Becca will go after her.

I walked to the living room where I saw Dani and Lauren in each others arms sleeping. It was soooo cute so I took a picture, then Lisa and Alex walked in and smiled when they saw Dani and Lauren.

They're so cute- Lisa said and we nodded. Then Dani start to wake up and looked at us

Hi- She said still sleeping

Hi- We said and she looked down at Lauren and smiled, she kissed Lauren on her forhead

I love you- Dani wispered in Lauren's ear and start to tear up

Dan, what's wrong?- I asked worried

I don't want Lauren to get hurt anymore, I'm sick of it to see her in so much pain, a year ago she was always happy and smiling and now she is in pain with tears holding back, this isn't Lauren, They ruined her and I'm scared that she won't live her old life anymore- Dani said and cried her eyes out on Lauren's schoulder who was still sleeping

I want my old sugar back, I miss her- Dani said and Lauren woke up by that, I think she heard what Dani said because she hugged Dani tight

I'm sorry Dani- Lauren said still hugging Dani

It's not your fault- Dani said and Lauren nodded looking down. We stayed quiet for a while not knowing what to say till Alex broke the silents

So are you guys hugnry?- He asked, we nodded expect Lauren

Are you hungry lo?- I asked looking at her

I don't want to eat- She said

Why not?- Lisa asked confused

My stomach hurts- Lauren said. I grabbed her pills and gave it to her

Take them and them you'll eat something OK?- I said and she nodded and thanked me. Alex and I walked to the kitchen to make dinner.


Christina and Alex walked out and Lisa, Lauren and I just watched TV. I felt Lauren hug me tight and when I looked at her I saw she looked at me sadly.

What's wrong?- I wispered not wanting to itterupt Lisa

I'm sorry- She wispered and I looked confused

I heard what you said-Lauren said

Hi It's not your fault- I said but she didn't look conviced

Serious Lauren it isn't your fault, I just hate it to see you in pain but you can't do anything about it so don't blame yourself, I'm happy as long as you are here with me- I said and she nodded. We looked at Lisa who was looking at us with tears in her eyes

You guys are too cute- She said and we laughed. Kathrine walked in

Guys dinner is ready- She said and walked out when we nodded. Lisa and I helped Lauren to the kitchen and we had dinner together. We had a really good time and even Lauren was laughing and eating like she used to. After dinner we watched a movie but Lauren was in pain.

Maybe you should lay in your bed- Amy said. Christina carried Lauren to her bed but it didn't make it better, she was in a lot of pain and it broke my heart to see her like this. She start to panic when her wounds was open and start to bleed. Christina and Kathrine were trying to stop the bleeding but Lauren didn't sit still since she was having a panic attack. I sat down next to her and hold her hands tight

Lauren look at me- I said and she looked at me tears falling from her eyes

Calm down OK, copy my breathing- I said and put her hand on my stomach, after a while she calmed down and Christina and Kathrine managed to stop the bleeding. Lisa put Lauren on her lap and in a few minutes Lauren fell a sleep.


OK so this chapter sucks but I didn't know what to do with this.

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