Chapter 7

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Lauren can't leave us like that, she just can't- I said, we were waiting in the waiting room well everyone expect for Lauren and Lisa ofcourse.

Dani she is going to survive, Lauren is strong she will survive- Christina said huggig me tight. Everyone was crying. Our mom and Ryan are in jail now and my dad and brothers are really shocked when we told them what mom did to us. Dad is really mad but also sad because we had to experience this all.

But what if she dies Christina, this is all mom's fault!- Amy said mad

Amy don't say that Lauren won't die- Kathrine said hugging Amy. Joey walked towards us

Christina?- He asked

Yes Joey- Christina said

Why did Mom change like this?- He asked.

I don't know Joe but some people change and you can't do anything about it- Christina said

But I miss mom- Joey said

I miss her too- Nick and Christian said

Boys please- Mike said and the sat back down. Then the doctor walked in

I have some great news- He start and we all stood up

Lauren is fine, she is awake but she is a bit shocked about everything, please don't ask her about the experience she had the past month- He said

She has a lot of cuts and bruises and she also broke her arm. She has big wounds of the gunshots but it will heal in 8 weeks. I want her to rest a lot and Lisa has to rest too. Please watch both of them carefully and don't let them do something alone- He added. We nodded

Can we see her?- Joey asked. The doctor smiled

Ofcourse you can follow me please- He said, we followed them to their room and walked in and saw Lisa and Lauren both awake.

LISA, LAUREN!- We screamed and run to them, they smiled and hugged everyone.

How are you?- I asked to Lauren

I fine but why are you crying?- She asked

I'm just happy you guys are OK, I was really worried Lauren- I said, she hugged me tight.

------------------------------------------------------skip 1 week



Today Lisa and I are going home FINALLY! We got kind of bored after a week staying here. Christina and Kathrine are picking us up. They walked into our room and Kathrine helped Lisa changing and Christina helped me changing.

OW!- I screamed when Christina put on my shirt

ARE YOU OK?!- Christina asked worried, I smiled

Yeah I'm fine- I said

I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you- Christina said still worried

Christina I'm fine, I know you didn't mean it- I said and she smiled. After we changed we walked out. We got into the car, Christina was driving, Kathrine next to her and Lisa and I in the back.

You guys want to eat something?- Kathrine asked

YES!- Lisa and I screamed and they laughed.

Where do you want to eat?- Christina asked

SUBWAY- I screamed

TACO BELL!- Lisa screamed


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